Im sorry

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                                        Nicks POV

We head back to her room and I start to get dressed I look over and she puts on her thong that's cute I slap her ass 'she turns around oh really I thought u would she kisses

               .............  after we're dressed

We walk out to the school whiten is a few blocks away I hold her hand feeling this is right she looks at me' you ok' yea just can't believe how beautiful you are she blushes

            ............... we make it to the school

We sit on swings side by side I break the silence 'sigh she looks over I need to tell u something' yea ' this was supposed to be a prank she looks at me with a questioning look 'exspain she says well I was suppose to get u turned on then leave and leave u wanting me and tie you down and film you 'WHAT! 'Let me explain ok it was a dare I told them I'd do it she stands up and starts to walk off ' no baby we're u going she turns around and hits me I deserve that I said' yes you do i can't believe you why would even want to do that to me' well I didn't like you but when I saw you want me I got turned on no one would turn down a blow job' she stands there for a sec we had sex and that's that' well sweetly I came inside so your stuck with me' OMG YOU DID MY LIFE IS RUINED ' I stand up and hug her I'm sorry I'll stay I promise '
You will she says' yes I swear I kiss her I love I whispered i here her I love you to

........... we walk home and fall asleep in her room

Caity POV

I here my door open 'caity wake up......... 'I don't want to dad i here him walk to my knife draw who the fuck is that he points the knife at nick umm this is nick' WHY IS HE IN YOUR BED' cuz we had sex...... he wakes up what's the noise for he looks up and nearly pees himself hi Jeremy hi fucker I grab the knife no dad you can't kill my boyfriend they both look at me

ITS 3 in the morning and I'm righting so don't judge

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