day 2

36 1 6

AS: *kicks him* Shut up dumb fish! *takes the ropes off them*

AA: *gets his face*

AS: *coast guard comes by* Crap, the coast guard! *grabs John's tail and Cronus by the arm and drags them so they can't be seen*

AA: Kankri!

AS: *coeast guard comes over and Kankri climbs aboard* We heard s9me c9mm9ti9n 9ver here, care t9 explain?

AA: Commotion?

AS: Y9u're fishing danger9usly cl9se t9 the 9il spill we're cleaning up, and y9u kn9w fishing this cl9se t9 the har69r with nets is t99 danger9us, also, we heard some screaming... what are y9u hiding sail9r?

AA: Nothing, but thank you for telling us about the spill

AS: Right, *turns to the other coast guard boat* Search every inch! *walks around and looks for anything suspicious*

AA: Kanny!

AS: *looks up* Cr9nus?! *runs over to where he heard the voice and finds them running over* H9ly crap, what were y9u thinking?!

AA: John tried to sawve fish and he got us caught but he can't breath we gotta get 'im in the water

AS: *nods and carefully picks him up and walks back out* If y9u aren't hiding anything, explain this! *glares at him* F9r fishing illegally,  and catching them, y9u are under arrest, and sentenced for 5 years with a five th9usand d9llar fine... *the other coast guard members areest every crew member on board*

AA: *follows him*

AS: *looks at John* Hang 9n, we'll get y9u t9 safety *hugs him close* Fill 9ne 9f the large c99lers with water, we g9t an9ther friend *smiles walking back t9 the coast guard boat*

AA: *slowly changes back covering himself*

AS: *looks back to Cronus* And we need another set of clothes... *walks down to the brig of the coast guard boat and carefully sets John down in a crate full of water*

AA: *smiles*

AS: *walks back up and gives Cronus some extra clothes* Welc9me a69ard, even th9ugh y9u're in l9ads 9f tr9u6le f9r this...

AA: I tried to get him out of the net and got caught

AS: *nods* I understand, 6ut I t9ld y9u n9t t9 g9 near the 9il spill... *holds hand out for him*

AA: *grabs his hand* didn't notice vwe vwere goin' that vway

AS: *helps him up* Y9u kn9w where I w9rk, and I t9ld y9u it was cl9se t9 the area, I figured y9u w9uld 6e smart en9ugh t9 put tw9 and tw9 t9ghter 9n y9ur 9wn

AA: Sorry *looks down*

AS: *kisses his cheek* I f9rgive y9u *takes him down to John*

AA: *smiles slightly following*

AS: *sits down next to the crate watchin him* I'm just glad y9u're 9kay

AA: *looks at john*

AS: *stands up and checks his pulse getting worried*

AA: I'm gonna get dressed. Don't worry he's a tough kid

AS: *nods and sits next to him holding his hand* We're g9nna m9ve y9u s9mewhere safe, 6ut d9n't w9rry... we'll tell y9ur friend where y9u are and he is always welc9me t9 visit y9u

AA: *eyes flicker slightly*

AS: *smiles weakly*

AA: *smiles still out*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2014 ⏰

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