Tammy POV
I woke but couldnt be bothered to open my eyes. I really dont want to go to school today. I know it was only Thursday but honestly...a pain struck my head and I quickly swatted air away.
"owww" I moaned clutching onto my head. I opened one eye to find I wasnt in my bed at all but in a hospital bed with a hospital robe... thing. Shivers went up my spine thinking that strange people changed me like a baby... but what can you do. I scanned the room to see Susie's head laying on her arm which was lying on my bed. My eyes light up seeing her here. When did she get here!
"Susie?" I asked excitedly poking her arm. She lazily raised her head and saw me and I jumped into her arms.
"When did you get here? I havent seen you in ages!" I asked grinning wildly. A confused expression washed over her face then she said
"It was only yesterday Tammy" my smile faded but quickly grew back as I said
"Yeah it seems like my birthday was yesterday" I then said "Anyway what happened to me? Why am I here? Also where is Jack?"
"Ill let the doctor tell you that" she sighed but I also saw her fingers where rid of her rings. I was about to say something until I heard someone walk into the room.
A teenage doctor walked into the room and I have to say he was hawt. He had quite a few bruises on his arms and I couple scratches on his face, messy blonde hair and green forest eyes.
Before I knew it Susie left and the doctor sat in the seat next to me.
"Tammy Lynn?" He asked blowing his peppermint breath in my face. I nodded my mouth not forming any words.
He smirked and I blushed crimson.
"So... Tammy. Do you remember anything about how you got here?" He asked I shook my head.
"Jack is in jail and if found guilty will be going into jail for sometime but the police shall tell you that" he continued.
"Why?" I asked confused. What did he do what is he guilty for?
"He threw a bottle at your head and you got knocked out for a while kinda like a mini coma" He explained.
"How long?" I asked worridly.
"About 2 months" he said.
"So its not Thursday in June... It August? But how? Wow" I said flabbergasted. He nodded and started reaching for my head. He started undoing the bandages that I never noticed and walked out the room.
While I was waiting I stared at my hands fiddling with the sheets when my head got tickly. I scrached it and closed my eyes. Then sighed. I opened them again then looked back at my hands and saw my right one covered in blood and then blood dripping onto the sheets like a tap not turned off properly.
The doctor walked back in with a mirror and nearly dropped it as he stared at me he quickly caught it mid-air without saying he didnt want 7 years bad luck.
I smiled at him then he raised the mirror towards me.
A giant slice on my forehead suprised me and cuts all over my neck and body.
"We may think he cut you after he threw the bottle but with the shards of the bottle" he added. This never would of happened if that man just paid attention when dri- in mid-thought I saw a black volvo in the parking lot. I jumped out of bed and started running to the window when I fell on the floor in pain.
He rushed to my side picking me up bridal style and gently laid me back in bed. I looked out the window and it wasnt there anymore. Maybe I was just imagining it I thought. He called a nurse and I heard him saying to book me for an x-ray asap.
I just got out of x-ray and I was waiting for the doctor to tell me the results. He walked in the door with a grin.
"Im gonna be your doctor for everything" he smiled "Ill do your food and be your carer. Since im not needed anywhere else" he mumbled the last part.
"Can you just sign so you can agree with a boy helping you so you dont feel uncomfortable or if im being a huge pedo" he asked. He passed a clip board and a pen and I signed happily. It would be nice to have some nice company and not grumpy nurses not wanting to help or too helpful or like he said pedos.
I passed it back and he exited the room again. I felt stiff like I couldnt move. He returned and stood at the end of my bed.
"The results are back and when you got up you damaged your spine but it was minor and it will soon in about... 3-4 months" He said keeping a straight face proberbly seeing if ill like that infomation or not.
"Wow im stupid" I said facepalming. He giggled as I forgot about the huge cut on my forehead.
He walked over to the cuboard and got out some bandages and sat in the chair next to me.
"The names James, I know yours" he said.
"Nice name" I replied. Before I knew it he was all done wrapping my head.
"I would put plasters on your cuts but there is like a million and we dont have that many plasters." he explained. I nodded.
"I need to pee" I said embarissingly.
"Ok you can use a bed pan or the toilet 'cuz your spine isnt that damged" he replied " 4 months is quite a long time so your gonna have to get used to saying stuff like that".
"Bed pan please im still a bit weak" I answerd. He nodded grabbed one from under the bed. He lifted me up and placed me on it. He reached for my knickers and looked at me. I nodded as he pulled them down. He looked at the door to see if anyone was watching and said to go whenever I wanted to go.
He went over to the window and closed the curtains and stood by the window of the door to make sure no one was watching. I relieved myself turning crimson and I looked at him who was also crimson.
I finished and he walked over and took out the bed pan and poured it in the toilet flushing and washing his hands after. He pulled my knickers back up and then explained that we would be like room mates in the hospital room so he would also be sleeping in the same room on a matress since Susie is uncapeable.
"So you will have to get used to me too. I sleep in my boxers" he proudly grinned.
This is going to be fun...
Thank you for reading I know its been such a long time but I hope you enjoyed!
-Hannah ^-^

Secrets beyond the grave
Mystery / ThrillerThis story is about a girl called Tammy when both of her parents die so then she has to live with her abusive grandparents. But all changes when she finds notes from her parents...