Chapter 4

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Hayes' POV

"Why did we come in a limo?"

"Because we're lazy." Brent answered me.

"Bu- True." We get to the pier and I'm the first out. I soon spot Taylor talking to a medium height Hispanic girl. She's about an inch or so shorter than me. She looks cute. I can't see her that well though. She walks away smiling. Of course. That's most girls reaction after talking to Taylor. Most of the guys were already out and saw it to. Taylor came over to us... Smiling?

"Finally you guys are here."

"But it looks like you were enjoying yourself." Carter says pointing to the spot where Taylor and the girl were talking.

"Taylor." Nash says in a serious tone.

"Does she want...the 'D'." Everyone let out a laugh.

"Nah bro, she - she's cool." He took a moment to look back.

"Well instead of standing here... Let's go to the watata!" Jack J. exclames. Everyone cheers in agreement.

"FIRST!" I yell out. I'm first for everything.

"Nope!" Taylor also yelled and everyone raced to the water. Cam won.

"Ha!" Cam mocked Taylor and I.

"You won this time Dallas." I say a little out of breath.

* * *

We were in the water a good 2 hours until: Nash,Cam,Carter,Taylor, the Jacks, Matt and I went to go find a volleyball net. Shawn, Aaron, Brent, and Chris went to go get food and drinks.

"Alright 4 on 4. Ready?" Cam yelled.

"Carter!" A male voice yelled.

"Ayee Kyle! What's up man?" He ran over to 'Kyle'. Guess we aren't ready?

"Hey guys come over here!" Carter called us. I look back and see the rest of the guys coming an I motioned for them to join us. They run over and join the conversation.

"So there's a party going down tonight and I wanted to know if you guys were interested?" He asks us.

"Yeah I'm down for a party. What about you guys?" He looks at us an everybody nods.

"Alright well I will text Carter the information."

"Ok bro. See you later then." We walk away from Kyle and I think I see the girl that was talking to Taylor earlier. Cute was an understatement. I don't think he noticed her though. He was talking to Aaron. We walk back to the net, sat down and ate the hamburgers and hotdogs the guys brought back and as ain't as we finished we split up into teams of 6 and played till the sun set.

* * *

It was 9:00 and we were leaving at 9:30. After the beach we came back to the hotel an I showered. There's two different bathrooms so that was good for Chris and I. I had gotten out the shower and laid on my bed and started to scroll down twitter when I checked the time an decided to change. I lock my phone and get up. I walk over to my suite case and pulled out khaki shorts, a black and white Young&Reckless shirt, black elite socks, my black vans, and my black and white SnapBack. I look in the mirror then walked over to where the tv is and pick up my can of Axe and spray it over my body. What? I need to smell good. I walk over to my bed pick up my phone and hit the home button. 9:20. The guys should be ready. I walk out and see Chris on his bed.

"Ready man?"

"Yeah." We walk out the room and make sure to lock it. All the guys are in the hallway. Carter looks up from his phone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2014 ⏰

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