The owl

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Hermione cleared up and then returned to her room. She sat their quietly, trying to think out a way to get out. She had to find the way to The Training Hut, she was turning 8 in a week and she had not made any plans on how to leave. Now, she was shut in her room and had no way to escape. She suddenly saw a bird flying towards her window. It stopped when it had reached it. Hermione opened it and let it in. It was an owl. Hermione was surprised. It was just 7pm! She noticed an envelope tied to the owl and curiously opened it.

'You are invited to join our Training Hut, where people are taught magic and how to control it. The best witch or wizard of each group will be given the honour of being s prefect of that group. If your skills don't match the required skills you will be sent home. For this reason we have arranged a wand maker to come to every house which has a young witch and teach him/her the basics. We wish you all the best!
Mr. Harold and Mrs. Hoyce, headmaster and mistress'

She closed the letter, smiling slightly. But how could she go if she wasn't allowed to leave her room. She had to figure out something.
She looked out of the window and saw a funny man walking towards their gate. He had a crane in his hand but didn't seem to need it because he was quite young and very tall. He looked up at Hermione and waved his hand.
"Don't knock! My dad will not let you in!" She called out warningly.
But then she thought, how else would he come up?
Just as she was thinking, the man appeared in her bedroom and seated himself on the bed. Hermione froze to the spot but then went and took her desk chair and sat on it.

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