The Multiverse Theory

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Maybe you have heard scientist on television discussing such a thing or possibly you have heard of a great man named Albert Einstein. There is something that has been argued by scientists for years, fought over and discussed. Albert Einstein was a man who was always fascinated by light, wanted to know how it worked and in turn discovered the speed of light. He may have stated this or maybe it was another man but the point of it remains, if you were on a bus going eighty miles per hour and your friend was in another seat a few yards in front of you and you stood up and walked over to the seat then you are moving faster than the bus. That is the theory of warp drive.  Another example would be to say you were standing across the street looking at yourself as a child and you suddenly moved at the speed of light would you not see yourself as an old man? That is the theory of time dilation. These are only theories this is true, but you have to admit they are plausible.

The universe is big, and when I say big I don’t just mean the size of the Earth. Sure to us our planet is big, but compared to the rest of the universe we are a tiny blue dot in a vast expanse of empty black endless space. Earth is a tiny blue dot inside our galaxy we call the milky way. Our galaxy expands billions of miles across and we have only looked at a tiny dot in this galaxy and a spec in that dot we call Earth, and in that spec are human’s, microscopic. There are so many galaxies we can’t count them all but some scientists have said there are trillions of galaxies. No one can comprehend the size but I hope I have helped you understand.

Now for the last part let’s say that this universe has a twin, an invisible twin. What I am suggesting is alternate dimension, parallel universes if you will, another you, walking and talking, and living life without the others realization. This story highlights this and explains in more depth what I like to call The Multiverse Theory. Enjoy.

Stephan McNay was a criminology professor at the University of Alabama. He specialized in serial killers, studied them, taught classes about them and wanted to learn more because he wanted to know more about himself.

Stephen stood at his podium as his eleven o-clock class filed out the door. Most of his classes consisted of winnable police officers, people who are just interested in the subject, and then the one he hoped to god they were not, wannabe serial killers.

He lowered his head staring down at his lecture notes he had wrote the previous night before. Sweat beaded his brow as he reached for the bottle of bright red pills in his pocket, quickly took two out and shoved them into his mouth, swallowing them dry. His hands gripped the sides of his podium till they turned white. One would have thought he was in pain, which was exactly what young Crystal Brown thought as she stood waiting for him as she always did on Thursday mornings.

He didn’t even notice her presence until he released his hands and rubbed the stiffness from them. When he saw her he had to blink to clear the tears that had come to his eyes from his daily spectacle, which people rarely witnessed. Crystal’s eyes bore deep into Stephan’s almost peering into his dark troubled soul. When they released each other’s gaze she shifted her shoulders and cleared her throat.

“Why do the pills make you react so violently Mr. McNay?” she asked, her voice like wind chimes being moved with melodic sounds by the wind.

Stephan didn’t know for sure if he should tell her, but he trusted Crystal because she was like him and she wanted help. He decided to tell her in the strictest of confidence he knew she would keep.

“I take a larger dose than you do, because my urges are much worse.”

This seemed to upset Crystal. For some reason Stephan could not decide if it was jealousy, want, or simply that she felt sorry for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2014 ⏰

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