A Dream

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          Astral smiled up at his father as he was tucked in for the night, the Lucario smiling down back. "Sleep tight, alright?" Asriel said, getting a nod from Astral. Kissing his forehead, Asriel left his room, turning off the light.

Astral turned in his bed, closing his eyes, doing the meditative breathing his father had taught him to help induce sleep. 'I am a river, a stream moving, never stopping, moving...,' Astral thought, imagining a stream in the mountains, surrounded by tall trees.

"You do not know me, who I am, but I have been watching you, since before you were born," a light voice said, echoing all around him. Astral didn't know what to make of that, feeling confused as he heard a childlike giggle. "I can see the tension in you, young one. You do not need to fear me, little one; I am here to help you," the voice commented.

Astral didn't let his guard drop as he threw his arms up defensively. "Then can you please show yourself? Kinda hard to trust you if I can't see you," Astral called out. A light giggle sounded before a small creature zipped from out behind a tree trunk. Astral had never seen that kind of Pokémon before, if it could even be called that; it looked like a small kitten. 'That's it! Where have I heard that before...,'Astral thought, looking at the animal as it floated around him, thinking its appearance was familiar.

"Yes, you should know me, young one. I am Mew; I was there for your parents wedding. Cake was fantastic, by the way," the kitten, Mew apparently, said, smiling down at Astral. "So, can you please explain to me why it is I am here?" Astral asked, letting his arms relax at his sides. Mew stopped moving then, looking directly into Astaral's eyes, the jovial nature it had a second ago was replaced by a serious tone in the blink of an eye. "I am here to warn you," Mew said solemnly. "Warn me? Warn me about what?" Astral asked. Mew sighed before placing a paw on the Riolu's forehead, causing Astral's vision to go white for a moment.

Astral fell back, scooting back with a small scream. A pair of scarlet red eyes looked down at him, a pattern of red and grey stripes slashed along the center of its body. Golden rib like features around it, the abominations legs sharing a similar feature, almost making it look like armor. The wings this creature had looked gaseous in nature, but the razor sharp, ruby claws it had made this impossible.

"Who... or WHAT... is that?" Asriel uttered out, his voice just above a whisper. "This... Pokémon, is known as Giratina, controller of antimatter and overseer of the Distortion world, "Mew explained, her serious voice not helping Astral relax in the slightest. Astral looked up at Giratina with a knowing look; he was still scared, but he knew about him. He had heard the stories form Pokémon at his school, and the legend of the Shadow Warriors' quest to convert the world into an addition of the distortion world. He couldn't help but be proud that it was his parents that stopped that very event from happening.

"So, why show me this? Is that Pokémon... real?" Astral asked, his voice containing his fear. "Yes, and he is much more powerful than any Pokémon who live among his troubled ranks. The version that you see now is just an image of him; just realize that he is a very real threat," Mew replied, her tone not making Astral feel much better. "What am I needed for? I understand why you're showing and telling me all this, but what can I do against THAT!?!? I'm still learning to control my own aura!" Astral cried disbelief in his voice.

Mew smiled, lowering herself as the vision disappeared, blinking at Astral warmly as the Riolu felt a slight burning sensation. When he looked at his left arm, he was stunned to see a silver... thing on his arm, not sure to what it was. "Arceus sent me to show you all you needed to know. It's up to you and your allies to stop Giratina's efforts to distort your world like so long ago. Find your peers and fight the darkness when it rises.

"With that Rune, I declare you the Pure of Heart, may your courage shine forward and allow others to see the light. Good luck, Astral, son of Asriel, hero of Origin," Mew said, Astral seeing seven different runes in front of him, each one seeming to melt into his mind as his vision started to go blurry. "When you near someone who follows your cause, your mark will let you know. It is up to you to lead them, just as your father did against the shadow warriors," Mew's voice was faint. "Till we meet again!" was the last thing Astral heard before his vison went to black.

Astral shot bolt upright, groaning a little, feeling his head hurt and his arm burn. 'Wait, my arm... burns?' Astral thought, pulling off the blanket to see something that made him pale. 'Oh no...' Astral thought as he looked at it. Just like in his dream, a silver rune was burned into his skin, shining from the moon light that poured in from his room window. 'It was real!' Astral thought, having no idea on what to do.

He saw that it was still dark outside, but he couldn't possibly sleep after what he just saw in his dream, an image of Giratina flashing in his brain.

It was going to be a long night.

And there we go! The third chapter is done! I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry that it took so long! I am forever in the debt of Pokemonfan472 for helping me with this chapter! Please, everyone, do give him a round of applause for the work he did for this chapter!

Till next time,

Peace out mi Pokemans!

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