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Matt's POV

It was six o'clock in the morning, I couldn't sleep because I was so excited.
I finally talked Ryan into letting me adopt!
After Daniel left, it kinda made me feel like, something was missing.
Then the idea of adoption came to mind, but of course that was a few years ago, now, it's time.
I decided that since Wal-Mart was open 24\7 I'd go ahead and buy bedsheets and decorations for the guest bedroom.
I grab my keys, a water, and my glasses.
When I arrive at Wal-Mart I pick out these bed sheets,

When I arrive at Wal-Mart I pick out these bed sheets,

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because they made me kinda want a girl.
I also picked up some of these lights to hang in the room,

I also picked up some of these lights to hang in the room,

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They looked cool so I picked them up, then I drove home.
When I got home it was about seven o'clock and Ryan was awake.
"Where were you at?"
Ryan asked.
"Picking up some stuff for the kid."
I answered.
He nods and fixed us a bowl of cereal.
As we ate, we talked about what we wanted the kid to be like, age, gender, all that stuff.
"I would like a girl, mabey ages, five through eleven?" I say.
He nods and says, "Sounds good. I'll stay here while you go get the kid."
I put our bowls in the sink and then say, "C'mon, don't you want to help me pick out the kid? You'll have to live with this person, don't you want to take a little part in it?"
He gets up and says, "It's not my responsibility, your kid your problem."
And then he went to his room.
Before leaving I set up the kids room, and I have to say, it looked really good, I think she'll like it.
So I changed out of my Tee shirt and pants and put on something to make me look a little but more presentable, then I left.
It was about fifteen minutes until I arrived as the only person at the orphanage.
After knocking and getting no response, I walked in.
It was dark and empty except for a light comeing from a room down the hall.
I walk towards the light in hope of finding the person who owns the orphanage, but instead I come across a little girl reading on her bed, she had a small lamp on next to her that casted just enough light for her to see the text, and she was swaddled in a Care Bear blanket.
I cleared my throat to get her attention, "Hey, um, you wouldn't happen to know where the person who runs this place is, would you?"
I ask, as I lean my hand on the door frame.
She jumps and says, "Oh! Um...he's out grocery shopping.
But there's not much of a wide selection, it's just me here..."
I welcome myself in and stand not but a few feet from her.
"So...what's Your name? How old are you?"
She puts down the small novel and says, "My name is Willow, I'm ten, what's your name?"
I turn my attention from her deep blue eyes and brown hair to the question, "Me? I'm Matt."
"That's nice....So, do you have a wife?"
She questioned.
I rubbed the back of my neck and said, "Well, no, I live in an apartment with my best friend Ryan, neither of us have girlfriends..."
She giggled a bit and said, "That sounds fun."
"So what do you do here?"
I asked.
"Well, Mr. Roberts is teaching me how to read and write, but sometimes we go to the park, or he orders a pizza to reward me for learning good."
I nod and say, "Cool!"
"Do you have a job?" she asked.
I explained that me and Ryan were YouTubers and how all that worked, apparently she doesn't have internet and didn't know about any of that stuff.
After talking a little bit longer, we heard a door open and shut followed by, "Lily, I'm back!"
"That's Mr. Roberts, follow me!"
She said before walking out of the room.
I follow her down the now lit hallway
To see a man with a couple of bags in his hands, we follow him to what  looks like a kitchen and talk.
He sits the bags down and asks her, "Oh, So who's this?"
She looks up at me and says, "His name is Matt."
The man shakes my hand and says, "Well, you've probably figured this out by now, but Willow is the only orphan here. So will you be adopting her today?"
I think about it, I look down at her to see tears welling.
"Yes sir." I say, determined.
He sends Willow to go pack while we sign papers.
While signing papers I asked, "Is there anything I should know about her?"
The man cleared his throat and said, "Well, the reason she is an orphan is because, when her mom died, her father started to abuse, torture, and insult her.
Soon enough, she hit up the courage to tell the police, and they sent her here.
But if course that was five years ago, it still pains her to think about it, but as long as we don't bring it up she'll be fine."
I nod my head and continue signing.
I found out that her birthday is only in a few weeks, July Fourteenth to be exact, Mabey we could throw her an adoption\ birthday party in a few days.
I finish signing and then leave the office, only to see her sitting in one of the chairs with her head in her hands.
I looked around but couldn't find Mr.Roberts, so I walked over to her and squated down to her height.
"Hey, it's okay, your with me now!"
I say.
I didn't want to touch her just in case she was sensitive to that.
"Thank you..." She weeped.
"No problem kid, let's go." I respond.
She wiped her eyes, picked up her suitcase and then we left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2018 ⏰

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