Chapter Six

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Wandering child,
Lost and alone

What are you doing,
So far from home? 

The warnings they gave, did you not hear?

Did their words, fall on dead ears? 

Darkness, child.

It is coming for you, it's already here.


It moved through the forest without a sound.

It glided over the snow, not disturbing a single snowflake. 

It weaved through the trees, dancing among the branches. 

The Moon would not reveal it, for she had promised not to. 

The Forest allowed it to live among them, for it protected them.

It was respected, it was loved, and it was feared. 

High up in the branches, the Tawyn Owl watched it traverse its domain. She knew of creatures; bird, beast, and insect alike, who saw it as nothing more than another dweller of the Forest, she herself knew the truth.

It ruled the Forest, and to think otherwise, could be treacherous. 

She waited until it drew closer before gliding down, landing on the ground nearby. It stopped in front of her, curious as to her sudden appearance. She, unlike many other creatures, did not fear it. 

It reached out and touched her head, stroking her soft feathers. She closed her eyes in contentment. When it pulled away she took flight again. After landing in a nearby branch she turned her head around to face him. I brought you something.

It stared at her. 

She flew to another branch, then another. 
It followed. 

The Owl led it back to the boy, whom she'd entrusted to the care of the Oak. She landed beside the sleeping child, pleased to see that the Oak had done its task in keeping him safe. She liked this boy, he was softspoken and gentle, but she knew that there was something plaguing him. 

She looked up as it approached. It said nothing as it drifted closer to the boy. She watched as it brushed snow off of him before reaching out and touching his head. 

What do you feel?

It did not answer. 

She ruffled her feathers before turning back to the boy. 

It pulled away, staring down at him in silence before leaving. 

The Owl watched it depart, leaving it to think and ponder over the child's fate. In the meantime, she knew it was time for the boy to return home. 

Lifting her wings she flew up into the sky, trusting to Forest to get him home safely. 


Ever didn't want to wake up, his room was cold and he was warm underneath his blankets. Besides, waking up meant dealing with his parents... 

Wait, he hadn't fallen asleep in his room! 

Ever shot up in bed with wide eyes. He could now see that he was in his room, sitting in his bed, covered in his own blankets. 

But... the forest! The owl! I was lost! How did I get back here?! 

He threw off his blankets and ran to the window. The forest loomed in the distance, looking just as foreboding as always. 
I know I went in there... didn't I? Or was all of that a dream? 
Ever backed away from the window before turning towards his door. Normally, going to his parents for anything went against his better judgment, but at the moment they were the only ones who could help clear his mind. 

Taking a deep breath, he walked out of his room and looked for them. 

He found Eline in the kitchen preparing breakfast, Lesim was nowhere to be seen. 
"Um, mother?" 
She looked over and smiled. "Good morning, Ever. How do you feel?"

Her smile faded slightly. She walked over to him and knelt down, feeling his forehead. 
"You're warm. Does your head hurt?" 
"No. Well, a little..." 
"They said you might feel some pain," she murmured.
Ever frowned. "Who said that?"
"The Elders said that some pain would come from your treatments." 

Ever pulled away from his mother, much to her confusion. "Ever? What's wrong?" 
"When did I see the Elders?" 
"Just yesterday... don't you remember?"
"N-No! I don't!" 
Eline frowned. "Ever, your father and I brought you to see them last night after the snow was cleared. They gave you your treatment before sending you home." 

No, no that didn't happen... that didn't happen! 

Eline reached for him. "Ever-" 
He ran back to his room and slammed the door. 
That couldn't have happened... it couldn't have! 
Ever paced across the floor.
I went to find Rewis' grave... there was an owl... I followed it into the forest... I got lost and-and...

Ever sat on his bed. 
I can't remember... 
He hugged himself tightly. 
Did I go into the forest at all? Or was it just a dream? What did the Elders do? 
Tears pricked Ever's eyes. 
I can't let that happen again... I can't go back... 

He heard the door to his house open, and it wasn't too long before he heard his mother and father talking. 

"He doesn't remember?" 
"No... Lesim, maybe this isn't the best thing for Ever." 
"What do you mean? You want him to get better, don't you?"
"Of course I do. But I think we've all forgotten that he's just a child, this behavior could fade away as he grows. Is treatment necessary?" 

Ever quietly walked towards the door, pressing his ear against it. 

"Eline, we both know that Ever's behavior isn't normal! The Elders are right, treating him now while he's still young is the best way to ensure that he doesn't fall to the Madness." 
"And what if they're wrong?" 


Ever held his breath. No one questioned the Elders, their word was truth, it was law. To question them was to question their way of life, and his mother just did.

Finally, his father spoke. 

"You need to be careful, Eline." 

Footsteps, then the door closed. 

Ever waited.
He counted to twenty once, then counted down back to one before walking out. 
Eline was back in the kitchen, sitting at the table with her face buried in her hands, she was crying? In all his life Ever had never seen his mother cry, it was unnerving. He slowly backed into his room and quietly shutting the door. 

As he walked back to his bed he couldn't help but let his gaze drift towards his window to stare at the forest. 

Had he truly gone in there? Or had it only been a dream? 

Across the field, the forest stood silent. Perched in the branches of a tree sat the Tawny Owl, eyes closed as she slept, a thin layer of snow dusting her feathers. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2018 ⏰

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