Chapter 9

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Unknown Person's POV

"I think we should get another one of his friends."

Everyone nodded there heads in agreement around the table.

"So it's settled, we will get Louis."

Louis' POV

Man taking care of Clover is hard! She runs away and disappears all the time! How do Niall and Meaghan handle that?

"Clover! Come back to Uncle Lou!" I tried to encourage her. She is hiding underneath the side.

"Clover please, we need to go home for dinner."

Clover just giggled and floated somewhere else. I groaned and looked around. My eyes found her underneath shade from a big tree. She was talking to the tree. I chuckled, just like Narnia. I quietly went up to her and scoped her up in my arms. She gasped and giggled as I made her go upside down.

"Ouis! Ouis! Put meh down!" Clover begged giggling. Its funny how she mispronounces my name, it just makes her even more adorable. I put Clover down gently back on the ground.

"Don't run away or someone wont get ice cream!"

"Ice cweam?!" Clover exclaimed. I nodded my head.

"Let go Ouis! Let go get ice cweam Ouis!" She exclaimed taking her small hand in my big one and dragging me to the ice cream cart.

"What kind of ice cream would you like darling?" The guy working a the car asked Clover.

"Tocolate!" Clover exclaimed.

"Chocolate ice cream for you!" The guy got a cone and with a metal spoon he put chocolate ice cream in the corn. When he finished he handed it to her.

"There you go kiddo! Now what do you want Louis?"

"I'd like a- wait! How do you know my name?" He smirked and then I felt like something was gonna happen. I grabbed Clover's ice cream that she was happy with. I threw it at him and put Clover on my back running away. I knew I was going to have to get Clover a new ice cream, but that was the least of my worries. I quickly looked behind me and saw 3 bigger and taller guys running after us. I started to pick up my pace.

"OUIS!" Clover exclaimed. "LOOK!" She pointed to the left. I looked there and saw a guy with a tazzer, but looked more like a gun. With in seconds he shot at me and down I went. I shook like a fish needing to be put back in the sea. I then had a cloth go over my face. I tried not to breath but I needed air so bad! So breathed in the chemicals and passed out.

Raising Clover *Sequel to The Mansion* DONEWhere stories live. Discover now