Chap 5: Betrayal

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A/N: So this is kind of a funny chapter despite the title. It's sort of hilarious :)

Jihee was working on a celebrity's makeup. Since this was a rich Salon, celebrities normally came here. When she had seen a famous celeb who she was a fan of, she had practically swooned. She finished the makeup. "You're done," she told the celebrity, who looked in the mirror and smiled. "Thank you," the celeb, who was a girl, said and left the Salon. Finally, Jihee's night shift was over. Now all she had to do was go into her office and write the names of the people she'd done makeup for today, and she could go home. Jihee went into her office and wrote down all the names. She looked to her right, where the door connecting her and Jimin's offices was. She bit her lip. Should she go in? She was Jimin's girlfriend, after all, so did she have authority? Without thinking about it, she opened the door. And her eyes grew wide.


It felt as if time had stopped. Jimin was with a girl inside his office. But it wasn't just that. He was fucking her. Lowkey having sex with the girl. She was blond with blue eyes and tan skin. She had full lips. I could see why Jimin was with the girl. How could I ever even think of having feelings for him? He was a boytoy for all girls. Just going around everywhere, letting the girls that wanted him to get him. My eyes raged with fury. "Hey, you can't come in here without authority--" he started, but stopped when he saw my furious face. He pulled away from the blond girl. The girl moaned. "Babe? What happened? C'mon, I need you Daddy--" the girl started, but stopped talking when she saw me. "Jihee, it's not how it looks like--" Jimin started but got interrupted by a slap. The blond girl slapped him, hard. "You bitch! So that's the reason why you never asked me to be your girlfriend! You already had one! You played me!" the blond girl shouted. I realized she was as much the victim as I was. He had played both of us. "Why would I ever even think you were a decent guy? All you do is play people, just breaking hearts..." I trailed off. Jimin looked from me to the other girl. He looked at the blond girl. "Kaylee, it's not--" he started, but got interrupted again. I had smacked him. "Get. The. Hell. Out." I said through gritted teeth. The girl, Kaylee, already had her clothes on. Jimin looked at me with scared eyes and ran out as if his life counted on it. Which it probably did. I smiled weakly at Kaylee. "I--I didn't--" I stammered. Kaylee rolled her eyes. "Yes, don't worry, I know he's the bitch here," she said, offering me her hand. I shook it. "Thanks for understanding, and God, can you believe we even thought of him as decent?" I asked her. "I feel like an idiot. Anyway, I'm going out to ruin his bitch ass--" Kaylee said, but I interrupted her by saying, "When has there ever been an "I'm" in "We"?" I asked, smirking. She laughed, and we made our way out of the office. Jimin was curled into a ball in a bench. When he saw us, he had started to get up to run, but luckily I was fast and held him down. "What do you have to say for yourself?" Kaylee asked him. "Kaylee, I love you, don't listen to this girl, I don't know her!" Jimin said, crying fake tears. Had he just lied about me? Really?! Fury took over me. I stared at him and was about to hit him but Kaylee stopped my hand. "You bitch," she snarled. "He doesn't know you," she said. NOW KAYLEE BELIEVED HIM?? I grew dizzy. "Yes, he does! I was his girlfriend!" I insisted. She loosened her grip. "S-sorry...How could I even believe him? Sorry, I just--I really wanted to believe he liked me or something." she said apologetically. Then my fury really took over. I slapped Jimin, smacked him, and kicked him. He was starting to pass out. "See you in Hell, bitch!" was the last thing I said before he fainted. Me and Kaylee high-fived. "We just beat the crap out of a boy! God, I feel like a new woman!" Kaylee exclaimed. I smiled, but my heart still hurt. I had actually started to develop feelings for him. How freaking stupid was I? "So, should we take him to the hospital?" Kaylee asked. "Nah, he'll wake up," I said. "I just feel so independent!" I said happily. Then another girl came in and looked at us. She was pretty, with black hair and green eyes. "Hey, do you guys know where I can find Park Jimin?" she asked. "Why?" I asked. The girl gulped. "I'm Roxy, and well, since you guys are girls, I guess I can talk to you about this. He's my hook-up!" Roxy exclaimed. Kaylee and I looked at each other and laughed hysterically. Like a laugh only crazy people do.

"What's so funny?" Roxy asks. "Oh, innocent Roxy, unsuspecting," Kaylee said dreamily. Roxy looked at us with anger and confusion. "You see, we were Jimin's other girls, but we discovered he was just a playboy, so we beat the living hell out of him," I explained to Roxy. Roxy whined. "But Jimin said he only had one other girl! Not two!" she exclaimed. I stared at her. "First of all...are you good? Second of all...why the hell would you date a guy that said he has another girl too?" I asked. "Duh, 'cause he's hot, and I bet he has a big one!" Roxy said. I laughed. Then Roxy took a look at the beat-up Jimin. "Y'know thinking of it, he probably did deserve it," Roxy said, looking at Jimin. "He's played countless other girls, probably broken hearts," Roxy said somberly. "Y'know what? Fuck Park Jimin. He can suck his own dick." Roxy said, suddenly with a change of opinion. Kaylee and I agreed 100% with her. Roxy hooked her arm through mine. "So, independent ladies, where shall we go first?" Roxy asked. Kaylee, who was on the other side of me, hooked her arm through mine as well. "The mall!" Kaylee exclaimed. And again, I agreed 100%. I nodded. We trotted to the mall. I had a feeling I had made some amazing friends. Or so I thought...

A/N: lol tbh idek whats happening anymore but its still gonna be a love story sooo ;)

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