Chapter 17

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Aiko awoke the next morning to InuYasha pulling him closer in his sleep and smiled softly. He turned and snuggled into his mate's chest, gripping InuYasha's underrobes in his hands. InuYasha stirred slightly and peeked an eye open. Aiko grinned up at him and nuzzled his head into the half breed's neck. InuYasha let out a growl and smiled, holding Aiko closer to him.

The boy blushed lightly and squirmed slightly, the sound turning him on. InuYasha growled again and lowered his mouth to Aiko's ear. "You need to knock that off... Unless you want me to take you here and now." InuYasha's voice was husky as he whispered in the boy's ear, making him go still and turn a brighter red. "Kagome is in the room though..." Aiko mumbled quietly, InuYasha's ear twitched as he caught what he said. "I do not care." InuYasha smirked and nibbled on Aiko's ear.

He squeaked and moved out of InuYasha's arms, rolling off the matts. "I am sorry but... I am not ready quite yet..." Aiko sat with his legs crossed, staring at his lap. InuYasha stood and walked over to him before kneeling down. "May I ask why?" He inquired as he reached a hand out, gently stroking Aiko's cheek. Aiko looked up after a couple minutes and gave his mate a small, sad smile. "It is a simple answer. I am insecure with my body. I spent a long time training with my father's sword and as a result my body is littered in scars." A tear slipped from his eye and fell onto InuYasha's hand. "Take your time. I can wait for a while but... Once my mating season hits it will be hard for me to resist you, scars and all. I think you are beautiful." InuYasha smiled sweetly before standing up. "Come on, we need to go soon." He held out his hand to Aiko, who gladly accepted it and let InuYasha pull him to his feet and into his arms.

They stood like that for a few minutes before Kagome began to stir. The two split apart and looked over at her as she sat up, stretching. "Good morning, Kagome." Aiko greeted with a smile. "Good morning. When do we leave?" She asked as she smiled back. "Soon, so get ready. You need to get ready as well, Aiko." InuYasha turned and kissed the shorter boy on the forehead before leaving the room. Aiko walked over to where the sack Kagome brought him had rested and began to pack up his stuff, aware of Kagome watching him. She soon looked away and began to pack her own stuff up.

Aiko stood and picked up his sack, walking out of the room and joining InuYasha in the hallway. "I think Kagome wants to go home once we get back to the village." Aiko said to InuYasha as he adjusted the strap of the sack. "Like hell she is. We need her to stay here so we can find the jewel shards." InuYasha growled out, making Aiko place a hand on his mate's arm. "We may not have a choice. She is a teenage girl who more than likely misses her family." Aiko said in a soft voice, causing InuYasha to make a 'hmp' sound. As he went to reply, Kagome came out of the room. Her eyes were slightly red and puffy. Knowing InuYasha was bound to say something rude, Aiko covered his mate's mouth. "Shall we leave, then?" He smiled sweetly at the girl, who only nodded in return.

The three left the inn and walked through the village, the decorations from the previous night were being taken down. Aiko smiled and waved at the kindly old woman as the passed by her booth, which was almost completely taken down. The woman smiled and waved as they passed. "Be sure to come back to visit." She hollered as the group walked away. "We will! What is your name?" Aiko stopped walking and turned towards her. "Just call me Grandmama." The old woman smiled and gave one final wave before turning back to taking down her booth. "goodbye, Grandmama!" Aiko yelled and ran to catch up to Kagome and InuYasha.

InuYasha grabbed Aiko's hand as he started walking again, lacing their fingers together as they walked out of the village. Aiko hummed softly as they walked, recalling the song that the demon was singing the previous night. The song was stuck in his head. After a few hours, it was starting to drive him nuts, so he began to hum a lullaby instead.

The group soon approached the country side of Musashi, the village that Lady Kaede lived in, Kagome automatically taking off towards the well with InuYasha hot on her heels. Aiko simply sighed and began to make his way towards the village, keeping an eye out for Lady Kaede as he did so. He found her in the fields, talking to one of the village men with a couple children with her. "Hello, Lady Kaede. How have you been?" Aiko smiled as he approached her. 'Ah, Aiko. It is so lovely to see you, child." She turned to him with a smile. "Did you find your way alright?" She asked, worry showing in her eye.

"The others left me near one of the fields. I figured if I kept walking I would run into a villager soon enough." Aiko said with a shrug and smiled at the older woman. "You must be hungry and weary. Come, you can tell me of the journey while we eat." Lady Kaede smiled and held out her arm, which Aiko gladly took and held his hand out to the little girl. The little grinned a gap toothed smile and gripped his larger hand.

Once they reached the village, the children ran off to their parents, leaving Aiko alone with Lady Kaede. The two made their way to Lady Kaede's hut, smiling at villagers as they passed. "Hey, Lady Kaede?" Aiko asked as they got closer to the hut. "What is it, child?" She asked, turning to look at him. "Would it be possible for InuYasha and I to build a hut and live in the village?" Aiko asked, looking up at the clouds. "Of course, you can." Lady Kaede smiled as she pulled back the curtain to her hut.

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