Jacky x Zacky [Smut]

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[a/n: welp, i kinda lied but not really. jacky is my best friend so i gotta post this for her. but after that, no more after a while! i gotta work on some other shit and sort some shit out but then after that's all done, i will continue writing more. this one shot is for my girl BatCountryRev6661. enjoy vengeance!! ♡ ps. this smut is REALLY smutty because i wanted to be selfish and add me in it too. its basically a four-way and i apologize if its too synful to read (haha 'SYN'ful? no? okay. this also takes back in the city of evil days where the guys were actual horndogs. anyways, i hope you don't mind how bad this is gonna be. sorry in advance, lmao.]


jacky let out a loud squeak as her best friend, hannah of course, just bought herself and jacky vip tickets to their favorite band's show, avenged sevenfold.

"oh my fucking god, you actually bought them?" jacky gasped as she grabbed the tickets for herself to stare at them more. she had to make sure they were legitimate. "these must have costed a fortune my dude! im going to pay you back-"

"no, you are not. it's for your birthday, and i owe you basically everything i have from talking me out of committing suicide. i am forever thankful, so please, don't thank me or none of that shit. you deserve that, and more," hannah said sympathetically with a soft smile before she was caught off guard, jacky suddenly bringing her in for a bone crushing hug. "yeah, they costed.. a LOT of fucking money, but ill pay it off eventually."

"this is why i love you gates!" jacky giggled as she hugged her best friend tight. hannah also let out a giggle before hugging jacky back. the two broke apart from the hug after a few seconds, leaving them just in complete awe. "i can't believe you fucking did this. now we wait for one more month." she laughed as hannah smiled.

"and ill patiently wait." hannah nodded before the two went and jammed out to their favorite avenged songs.


it was a month later, and the two were ready to go and mosh pit all the way. not only were they excited to jam to their music, but they were also excited to meet the band mates themselves.

"holy shit, is this actually happening?" jacky giggled as the two got in the car, as jacky was the one driving to the concert. hannah was 19 and jacky was only 20 so they couldn't drink legally, which made jacky quite upset.

"it is. unless the vip tickets are shit and were fake. but i payed a lot and i went to the venue itself to buy them." hannah said as jacky pulled out of the driveway and the both of them were ready to par-tay.


they arrived an hour early, and already saw how busy the place was. thankfully, they had vip tickets so they didn't need to worry. the two grabbed a couple of waters before making their way into the area where everyone would later be mosh-pitting as their grins were as wide as can be.

"oh my god, we are right in front of the stage," hannah breathed as she was completely star struck. they were standing right in the front row - well, there wasn't a front row, but they were at the very front. "like.. we can get m. shadows to give us high fives!" hannah squealed as she jumped up and down before stopping, giggling to herself. "sorry." she mumbled to jacky.

"i just can't believe you're here with me at this very moment. i know when you were 16, you were stuck very far away from me, but now- we are gonna do so much shit together." jacky giggled as hannah did too, her smile not once fading from her face.

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