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Clarissa smiled, she was seventeen years old. Alex was her Twenty year old brother. His mate was quite a dear, her name is Lacy.
"Riss, do you mind setting out the table? Your father is holding a meeting with The Lichen Tooth Pack."
"I can but I hate spending time in the Pack House"
"You hate our pack and your members?",Jackie gasped in horror.
"NO, I just hate staying in the lonely guest room. We all know my dislike for the Pack Law but I have respect and Alex gets to stay.",Riss growled. Her wolf, Wisteria hated being told what to do with her strong Alpha Blood.
"He's older, wait until you are old enough.",Jackie smiled.
"Tell Alex he can do the table.",Riss snarled and headed towards her room.
Jackie shoot her head in shame. "Shame on her.",she muttered.
Clarissa packed her items for the night. Her phone, tooth brush, and other things. She sighed and headed from the Alpha House to the first part of the Pack House. Her best friend lived there but most of time, she was with Clarissa. "Riss!",someone screamed. Clarissa jumped, ready to use her father's training that he taught her.
"EM!",she called back.
"Another pack meeting?"
"Yeah, this time with Lichen Tooth Pack."
"You know, you are always welcomed here. Well, in my room."
"I know, speaking of our pack? You find your mate?"
"Not yet, but with this potential alliance with Lichen Tooth Pack, he could be in there."
"Or she.",Clarissa said with a laugh.
"Aye, a mate is a mate. No matter what gender. I just wanna feel loved by a wonderful mate. Though, they would stay with our pack."
Clarissa added a laugh but she understood where Emma comes from. She grew up with her father being not her mother's real mate. Her mother, Amanda mated with a rouge. Her real mate had died and she felt it. Amanda led herself to a path of exile. She was allowed to be born here but her mother had to go. Clarissa grew up with these strange ways and hated them to the core. Emma had a seat in her window where Clarissa would stay. Clarissa laid down, allowing sleep to come over.

Clarissa woke up to her phone ringing. She was still groggy and stumbled for her phone.
"Is this Clarissa?"
"Well Duh, don't act stupid on the phone, Alex
"Sorry Riss, it's time to go home"
"Ugh, they never want me at the meetings so why go home?"
"Because they say so or I'll let Lacy have your room"
Clarissa jumped up hung the phone up, she loved her room. Emma was still asleep when Clarissa left. She wrote a note saying she went home with a special message. Her parents were sitting on the table when she went in.
"We need to talk"
"Okay, let me put my stuff upstairs.",Clarissa said, nervousness coming into play. She went up to her room and threw her stuff on her bed. She went back downstairs, wanting to know why they wanted to talk to her.
"Have a seat, we have pancakes. Syrup is right here.",her mother said, pushing some pancakes and syrup to Clarissa. Her father, Alex, and Lacy were all at the table.
"Must be a big problem if everybody is here wanting to talk to me.",Clarissa laughed.
"This is important.",her father said, not thinking it was funny.
Clarissa sat down, eating her pancakes while she waited for her dad to say something else.
"Our alliance with Lichen Tooth Pack was a success. First, some warriors and me go over there to see how they live and do stuff. They will do the same."
"Okay, why did you have to tell me like that?"
"Because, I'm bringing you to find your mate. He's clearly not here in this pack."
"What? Why? I thought Alex was the heir to our pack."
"We and Lacy's parents thought it was best for them to lead Blue Angel Pack. Since Lacy's parents are older than us."
"I won't find one, you could use our beta and his son."
"His eldest will take his place, though if all else fails we will use the eldest."
"Fine, I'll find my mate in that pack. Just as along Emma comes with me."
Clarissa left the table and immediately called Emma. She told Emma everything about what was going on. Emma let out a squeal at the thought of meeting her true mate. Clarissa laid down, energy was randomly drained from her. Was she even ready to meet her mate? Clarissa let images of what he could look like run wild in her head. She went to Alex's room, he may seem like a jerk but he cared for his little sister. He did only have one.
"Okay, quick secret before it spreads.",Alex blurted it out.
"What?",Clarissa sat on the edge of his bed.
"Lacy is pregnant!"
"Oh my god, really?!?!"
"Yes!",he said, Clarissa hugged him.
"You two deserve this, hope it's a girl so I can teach her my ways."
"Or a boy so he can lead a strong pack."
Clarissa gave him a smack on the head. "Girls can lead great packs, watch when I led this pack."
"Yeah right! Dad would never allow you to lead alone, a male must be with you."
"That's a stupid law, I hate it. That's why I won't be Heir to this pack."
"What? But I'm not going to be leading this pack."
"The beta's son has it, I meet my mate and move into his pack."
Alex looked at her like she was a vampire who jumped into his room.
"I'm not fit for this pack, it was made hundreds of years ago. With all the same stupid ass rules! If I lead, everything with the pack law will change!"
"That's why you must lead, you and your mate will be great for this pack.",Lacy added.
"Remember, all the pack members must agree for them to be changed. I know all of them would not."
"Me and Alex would agree. So would your friend, Emma."
"Yeah but that's only four people against an entire pack. I'm sticking to my plan, hopefully Brian will change the ways."
"It's your choice, no one not even your father can change your mind. But I do hope you lead this pack into greatness if you ever do stay."
Alex and Lacy gave Clarissa a hug. Clarissa had to pack her stuff for Lichen Tooth Pack.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2018 ⏰

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