A New Plan

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"I need to get dressed," she finally said, to the surprise of the others, and disappeared into the bathroom. Leaning against the closed door, she sighed. What WAS she going to do?

"Princess, I brought you some clean clothes," Virgo's voice came first before she shimmered into physical shape.

"Thanks, Virgo," Lucy told her gratefully. As she dressed, she looked at Virgo. "You don't have any brainstorms about all of this, do you?"

"Of you rescuing your true love?" teased Virgo, making Lucy's face flush.

"Really? Not exactly the time!" Lucy managed to spit out.

"Whatever you decide to do, you know we're always with you," came Leo's voice as he too shimmered into view.

This bathroom is definitely getting a bit crowded, thought Lucy, grateful she had finished dressing before Leo appeared.

"What do I tell them?" murmured Lucy, hearing the raised voices in the room through the door.

"I've got this, beautiful," Leo said with a wink at Lucy, opening the bathroom door and stepping out, much to the surprise of the mages in the room.

"So, this is how it's going to play out," Leo began, pushing his glasses up higher on his nose. "We celestial spirits will accompany Lucy into the woods where we last encountered Natsu. If he senses any of you, he'll be prepared to fight, not listen. However, I have a feeling he'll listen to Lucy." He winked at her again, which made Lucy roll her eyes. "I know you're worried about what might happen, so you won't be too far behind and ready and waiting should we need you."

"Okay," Erza said, arms crossed over her chest, as she stepped forward. "And what if we can't get her in time? What then?"

Leo shook his head. "Have faith," he said, echoing Lucy's earlier words. "I've consulted with both Mavis and Anna, and this is how it has to work." Lucy looked at her spirit wide-eyed. He had been busy!

Realizing Leo had not answered Erza's question, Gajeel was about to ask something, when a knock on the door interrupted them.

Levy, Lily, Wendy, and Carla burst into the room, almost falling over each other. "Sorry," Wendy apologized, brushing herself off. "It was unlocked."

Levy looked at Lucy. "I have a message from Anna," she told her and handed her a piece of folded paper.

Lucy opened the note and read it to herself.

My dear Lucy,

I'm glad you are safe and know you must have a lot of questions for me. However, they will need to be answered at a later time. What you need to know now is how to save Natsu. I wish I had an easy answer. You and Natsu have created a bond that is stronger than mere friendship. Only you will be able to get through to his true nature. I can offer you some advice. One, go with your instincts. They guide you well. Two, the scarf that Natsu wears was made with Igneel's scales, so in a way protects Natsu. Get him to remember the meaning behind his scarf. Good luck my child. I have faith in you.


Lucy hated being critical of her ancestor, but this wasn't a lot of help. Go with her instincts? Isn't that what she had been doing so far?

Sighing, she folded the note and decided to play up its importance.

"I know what to do now," she told the assembled, thinking quickly. "Gemini will be in disguise as me and approach Natsu first. If he seems receptive to listening - and not attacking - then I'll know he's safe to approach. My spirits will be with me, but on standby, should something happen." She turned to Erza. "You'll need to wait on the outskirts of the woods. If something should happen, then you will be alerted." Lucy bit her lip nervously. "I hope it won't come to that, though."

Erza nodded. "I approve the use of Gemini," she told Lucy, "but I'm not sure I like the rest. But," she said, holding up her hand yet again to stop Lucy's protest, "I will abide by it."

Lucy nodded. "Then let's get going," she told the group. "We're getting a bit cramped for this room anyway," she tried to joke.

"Lucy?" Happy fluttered next to her. "I don't want you to go alone."

"Oh, Happy," Lucy said, giving the exceed a hug, "I won't be alone but I do need you to wait with the rest. They'll need to have someone with a lot of speed in case I need help, okay?"

Happy nodded. "Okay," he said, nodding his head, but still not looking very happy.

Lucy turned to Virgo and Leo. "Let's do this," she told them. Virgo nodded and a hole appeared in the floor in front of them. They disappeared into the hole, using it as a transport, appearing through another hole in the forest.

Lucy summoned Gemini and told her the plan. Leo and Virgo both returned to the spirit world, ready in case Lucy called on them.  

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