Like a rose that starts off as a
seed in the moist soil
She was conceivedAs if water isn't enough it
Pushes through the soil
To suck in rays of the shining
Star and inhale the life giving oxygen.
She was bornAnd like a rose that grows strong
and beautiful yet thorny
Without water still rises
Through winter and summer
hope is noticed,its future gets
brighter than its petals every moment
You take a single glance.
She was endured with mysterious
Beauty and gave hope to her mother
That she was the only way out
Of their poverty she was a boon
To her familyWhen expecting the smell of
Anti-poverty,the expectation was
perturbed by the sudden death
approach and like A blind man
Black was all we got to seeThe only thing we could sense now
Was dreams washed away
By the pertinacious angel of deathAnd she was like a rose no
More for a rose ain't six feet beneath
The grounds but she is like potato that
has no choice but to grow in the soil,
SHE WAS NO MORE!We only left with hope that only the
body is in the cold and all so dark
place and her soul breaths amongst
us her heart beats in our chests
And smile forever memorizedBut to cogitate on this matter life
I unfair ..why then were we born if
We are still to leave this world and
All that we have andPhindy Rapopo
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