Surviving The Wild

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                                            Just to let you know if I don't put whose P.O.V. down it's always Jade's.

I'm still thinking about the reply to my message. The initials left there reminded me of a message I received a few years back. It said something about me being safe. These are the exact words.


This letter needs to be burned right after you read this. Never give up and thrive on. Do not let Death take you down under. Let yourself be Death's Downfall. You are safe. Strive on your own and you will learn stuff as the days go on. If you ever have an emergency yell these initials. If you run away take this key and keep it safe and hidden on you at all times. You will know when you need it."

-D                 -H

Now that I think about that it's those same initials. I don't know if I'm being hurt or helped with these two notes. This note helped me stay alive and not kill myself. I have a feeling something is going to happen soon and it's not going to be good.

I've been traveling for days in these woods. I'm scared someone will notice my missing pictures posted up everywhere. I walked into town and saw them everywhere. I kept my head down and looked at a tv in the window. The news was broadcasting me missing and they said bring her straight home. My parents looked mad in their interview to bring me home.

I left right after that. 

Now I originally left in the woods in Fareds, Montanna. I thinks I've traveled down deep into the forests around that area.

It's been 3 weeks since I left the house. I'm out of money from buying all of the food to survive on. My food is running low and soon I'll need to learn to steal.

Right now I'm setting up camp and I hear a rustling noise in the side brushes. A giant wolf comes out of the side and I run away. I try to climb a tree but I fall and curl up into a ball. The wolf isn't attacking and I take a peek at it. It sniffs the side of me and pokes my arm with it's nose. I shiver and curl up tighter. The air around me gets colder all of a sudden. The wolf perks up and runs away.

I uncurl myself and look around. Something whizzes by me and stops. I look up and a person was standing in front of me. He looked just like me but he has two fangs coming out of his mouth and he looked ready to kill.

He grabs me and I fight bck. The thing pinned my arms down and I couldn't move.

I was about to scream but I have to keep my promise of being silent. Tears are coming out of my eyes and everything is blurry.

The creature is coming in on me but then the wolf from earlier somehow snuck up and then pounced. They have a brawl and I'm over here bawling my eyes out. They brawl again and then it becomes silent. I shakily raise my head up and see the wolf standing over the remains of the thing. I am petrified in place and the last thing is see is the wolf coming towards me.



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