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Oh, hi. Did you wanna buy some drugs?

You wanna do something fun? You wanna go to Taco Bell?

I can't go to Taco Bell! I'm on an all-carb diet! God, Karen, you are so stupid!

You know who's looking fine tonight? Seth Mosakowski. You did not just say that.Why? He's a good kisser. He is your cousin! Yeah, but he's my first cousin. Right. So you have your cousins, and you have your first cousins, and you have your second cousins...No, honey. Uh-uh. That's not right, is it?That is so not right.

Oh my God, Karen! You can't just ask people why they're white!

Why don't I know you? I'm new. I just moved here from Africa. What? I used to be home-schooled. Wait... what? My mom taught me at home... No, I know what home-school is, I'm not retarded! So you've actually never been to a real school before? Shut up! Shut up! I didn't say anythingHomeschooled huh? But you're, like, really pretty. Thank you.So you agree? What? You think you're really pretty? Oh... I don't know

You know what! It's not my fault you're like, in love with me, or something!What?!Oh, no, she did not! See? That's the thing with you plastics. You think everybody is in love with you when actually, everybody HATES you! Like, Aaron Samuels, for example, he broke up with Regina and guess what? He still doesn't want you! So why are you still messing with Regina, Cady? I'll tell you why, because you are a mean girl! You're a bitch! Here. You can have this. It won a prize!

 Okay, yeah. I've got an apology. So, I have this friend who is a new student this year. And I convinced her that it would be fun to mess up Regina George's life. So I had her pretend to be friends with Regina, and then she would come to my house after and we would just laugh about all the dumb stuff Regina said. And we gave these candy bar things that would make her gain weight, and then we turned her best friends against her. And then... Oh yeah, Cady - you know my friend Cady? She made out with her boyfriend, and we convinced him to break up with her. Oh, God, and we gave her foot cream instead of face wash. God! I am so sorry Regina. Really, I don't know why I did this. I guess it's probably because I've got a big *lesbian* crush on you! Suck on *that*! AY-YI-YI-YI-YI-YI!

Boo, you whore!

You're mom does NOT hate you, she's just..afraid of you. 

On Wednsdays we wear pink! 

Regina said she'll talk to Aaron. And now she is. How can Janis hate her? She's such a good... *gasp*SLUT!  

You can't join the Mathletes, that's social sucide!                                                                                                     Thanks...

I gotta say, watching the police search my house was the CHERRY on top of a PERFECT year. 

What day is it?                                                                                                                                                                             It's October 3rd..

*Out in the pouring rain*Hi! This is Karen Smith, and there is a..*feels herself up* 30% chance of it raining 

Where's Cady?                                                                                                                                                                             Oh, she's out                                                                                                                                                                           But she's grounded...                                                                                                                                                            Are they not allowed out when they're grounded?

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