part 2

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Few years later
Your sixteen now and moved back to your old town with your parents. The new town was good but not enough police to many murders. You get out of the car and look at your house so many memories before you moved away. Then you get sad you heard the news of jess who drowned in the lake. You go inside and put your stuff in your room.
Mother: "sweety get ready you still have to go to school today" you sigh and put on new clothes wearing a black shirt black hoodie and jeans with blackvans. You start a new school today and you walk there.
Once when you get there you go to the office "hello I'm new and I'm looking for my scedual"
Principal: "aww yes here you go don't forget you can still sighn up for our camping field trip" she gives you your scedual and a flyer for the trip you go to class and think about it. You sit down next to some girl she winks at you and you blush.
Kim: "hey there cutie you new " you nod blushing deeper
Kim: "well I'm Kim" you look at her "I'm (Y/n)" she smiles
Kim: "I'm so excited for the camping trip" you look away "are you gonna go " she nods and you see a booty call here "me too" you decided she smriks
Kim: "okay cutie I'll see you there "
The bell ring and everyone goes to there next class the rest of your day was pretty dull after that. You finally get home and stretch then you start to pack since the bus leaves today at six
Mother: "what are you doing sweetheart?" You look at her "ooh nothing mom I decided to go on a field camping trip at school. She giggles
Mother: "okay have fun" you smiles and finish packing you make your way to school and wait for six. Finally everyone starts to come and you guys get inside the busses . You  sit next to Kim and talk to her on the way there.
Time skip to crystal lake
You look around and smell the fresh air everything is set up and you guys are ready to camp you can't help but feel like your being watched. You shrug it off and go sit with everyone else.
???: "you came back to me my little (y/n)"
End of part 2

Jess Voorhees x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now