How it all started

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(( Sorry in advance if the first chapter is boring, I'm just setting things up for the actual fluffy story. So stick around~.  Story will be in Sherwins POV unless I say otherwise. Feel free to leave constructive criticism. :)  hope you enjoy! ))

Chapter one - 

I remember it clearly. 

Seeing Jonathan for the first time...

And falling hopelessly in love with him.

    It was my first day at the Private Academy. 

     It was  the beginning of the year, and somehow, I already  stuck out like a sore thumb, amongst the other students. While most were prim, and proper, used to such prestigious surroundings, I certainly was not. For one, I'd spent most of my life in public schools. And regardless if I wore the uniforms, and tamed my unruly ginger hair, I'm sure everyone could still point me out. 

    I was incredibly nervous, stepping out of my aunts brand new car, and on to the sidewalk that led up to the academies doors. The autumn air was chill, and every breath released sent curls of white into the air. Students grouped together as they walked to the entrance, chattering quietly to each other. 

     Most were too distracted by their conversation to give me even the slightest glance. I was lucky. But even so, I kept my head down, and quietly sped walked towards the door, my head beginning to race when I realized I couldn't remember which class I had first. 

    I was so distracted, that I ran smack into someone in front of me. Yeah, I know, it sounds pretty cliche. And I'm sure you've guessed already who it is. 

   But unlike you, I wasn't aware that one simple clumsy mistake would make my life so much better. 

   I stumbled back,  quickly stuttering out an apology to the boy in front of me, "o-oh jeez, I-I'm so sorry, I w-wasn't watching where I was-" I stopped short as the other boy turned to face me. 

   He was tall, broad shouldered, and tan skinned. He looked pretty well groomed, his dark hair combed perfectly, and the sleeves of his uniform pushed up to his elbows. His eyes were the thing that stood out most to me. A deep, gorgeous blue, that washed over me, and filled every ounce of my being. Eyes I could drown in. 

      I don't know how long I stood there, staring at the other boy. But by the time I came to, it was already too late. The bell had rang, and the taller boy retreated inside. 

   Cursing, I quickly gathered my composure, and rushed inside to gather the things from my locker, and eventually settle down at my desk for my first class of the year. 

   I was humiliated, sure. After all, I just stood there like an idiot, staring at him. And I'm 90% sure he'd said something to me, something that I apparently didn't process. But god, that boy was gorgeous. 

   In all honesty, I was fairly shaken up, as well, for other reasons.  It was my first time ever having feelings for anyone, and of all people it was... a boy. A boy with beautiful  blue eyes, and the brightest white smile I'd ever seen.

   For months I kept my feelings secret, silently coming to terms with my sexuality, and keeping up a casual appearance as best I could. It wasn't too difficult to go unnoticed. I was a pretty shy guy, and being completely honest, I didn't have many friends... any  friends. And don't get me wrong, I was completely fine with that. I just tend to enjoy being alone, with my own thoughts. 

   The boy was in a few of my classes. It didn't take long for me to learn his name, and understand the kind of person he was. Jonathan was an A+ student. Calm, laid back, and friendly. He seemed to be liked by everyone. He was perfect. 

   And I'm not. 

   I knew very well that if I ever told him, or anyone for that matter, about my feelings for him, I'd be rejected. 

    ... Or so I thought. 

~ End of chapter 1 ~

(( Woop, that took way too long. Anyways, the next chapter will be about what happened in the actual video, and what was going through his head at the time. However, I'm going to take more of a literal path, so the floating heart thing won't be included. Don't worry guys, the best part will be published soon, as long as you guys like it. Thanks! )) 

(( "Published soon", jfc. XD ))

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2018 ⏰

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