Prologue(warning blood,abuse and self harm)

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Before the story starts you need to know the basics and background of this omegaverse.

You need to know omegas go into heat once a month its a period of time lasting 3-7 days of being horny and needing a release also during this time omegas let out a sweet scent that is intoxicating to alphas, but can be resisted if strong enough. Depending on the omega may build a nest for their heat.

Alphas are the more dominant ones. They go into runt once a month similar to heat but a little bit different. Runt is were an alpha is sexually frustrated and needs a release. This period lasting 4-7 day. Also during this time alphas become extremely territorial.

Beta's in this story are a little different. These betas can in a sense be like versatile like if there was a submissive partner then they will be more dominant person and vise versa.

Now that I've gotten the basics of this au down, here is the background story.

Midoriya is an omega who was bullied for most of his life, especially by his classmates. The bullying got worse when people started figuring out he was an omega then alphas from his class and others started harassing him people took notice to this,but nobody did anything at first after a while people started joining in on the harassment. Some of you are probably are thinking,were are the teachers, well half of them either did nothing and just watched or just told Midoriya to ignore them in case you didn't know that didn't work. Izuku's self worth and confidence went down the drain.At one point he hit rock bottom and started thinking of killing him self until found out what cutting was. When figured it out, he bought razor. Then went to the bathroom  took the razor out of the boxing. It was his first time so he took a deep breath put the razor to his wrist then pressed down slicing through his skin. Blood is all Izuku could see but he didn't care he felt better like a weight had be lifted off his shoulders,he felt like he could breathe again. Thats how Izuku's addiction began.

Todoroki is an alpha who was abused as a child by his father. While Todoroki was growing up he didn't really have anyone, but his mother sadly that all changed when one day his mother had snapped because of the abuse from Enji, Todoroki's father and she poured boiling water on Shoto's left eye leaving a burn mark. After that day Shoto's mother was sent to a mental hospital by Enji. Ever since that day when his mother was taken away he had started growing more and more hatred towards his father. Due to Enji's abuse Shoto had started having feelings of worthlessness. These feeling continued to grow each passing day. Shoto could only dream that he would find a mate that would love him even though knowing of his past. Sometimes he would think that no one will ever want to be with an alpha like him but that all changed once he meet a certain green haired omega

Sorry if there is any misspellings in this. I'm not the best at writing. Hope you like :) 

551 words

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