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Yoongi was trying to wrap his head around everything. His future self was dating Jungkook. And Jungkook said that they started dating maybe a year after their debut. That made Yoongi cringe.

He's twenty years old.. when they date, he'd be twenty-one and Jungkook would be sixteen. Isn't that illegal? Yoongi shook his head and grimaced. He'd rather not think about that.

But now he was thinking of something else, cigarettes. Oh how was he craving one right now, even two with all this new stuff. He checked his pockets but they were empty. He must've left them on the nightstand.

He cursed quickly, he's fingers twitching for cigarette. Perhaps, Jungkook has a pack lying around somewhere? It was unlikely but he was desperate for some nicotine.

Yoongi didn't want to snoop but he first went to Namjoon's side. He searched under pillows, inside the desk, his dresser, and closet but there was nothing found. "Hopefully he doesn't walk in on me searching."

Yoongi crossed over to Jungkook's side. Yoongi first went to check under the bed. His hand came across a small box. Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows, setting the jewelry box on the bed. He flipped the latch open and looked inside.

Inside was random bits and bobs. There were polaroids, bracelets, a small bunny stuffed animal, and to his surprise, cigarettes and a lighter. Yoongi reached for the cigarettes first, dying to just hold one in his hand.

He used one hand to lift the polaroids. Looking through, he realized what the box really was. It was like a relationship time capsule sort of thing. Stuff, he assumed, that his future self got Jungkook.

Gosh, I got soft.

Yoongi scrunched his nose at a polaroid of him kissing Jungkook on the cheek. It made him grimace but he put the photos back in the box.

Yoongi took the lighter, stood up, and went to the window near the desk. He opened it, and lit the cigarette. To his luck, it was his favorite brand.

Yoongi held the cigarette outside the window. He didn't want the youngest to get in trouble or cause suspicion. It was an awkward position when he wanted to take a drag but it was the safest.

The door opened, which almost caused Yoongi to drop his cigarette. Shit. He forgot to lock the door. To much relief, it was only Jungkook. "What the fuck." Jungkook gasped.

He didn't know what for, the fact that Yoongi forgot the lock the door or that he was smoking. "Shit, sorry. I forgot." Yoongi shrugged.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing. Put that out right now." Jungkook set his dinner on the nightstand. "No. I need it."

Jungkook stormed over, taking it from Yoongi's mouth and throwing it out the window. "What the hell?!" Yoongi complained. That stuff is expensive..

"Where did you find those?" Jungkook scolded. "You shouldn't smoke." Yoongi snorted, "should've figured that they weren't yours. Still the same you I see." Jungkook gave him an unimpressed look.

"I got them from your box that was under the bed. I was desperate okay?" Yoongi huffed and Jungkook snatched the lighter and cigarettes. "Ya know.. you put these in here. That was when you decided to quit smoking. You put your last on-hand pack in the box."

"Why did I quit anyways?" "I asked you to." Yoongi's eyebrows raised. "I quit just because you asked me to? When?" Yoongi sat on Jungkook's bed.

"Yup. I always complained about your breath and health. You made that decision in twenty.. fifteen? Yeah, right before the 'I Need U' era."

"I Need U era? What's that?"

Jungkook smirked. "I can't give everything away. You'll have to wait until it's your present." Yoongi whined, he hated to wait.

"But yeah, I haven't seen you smoke since. It was really weird to see you smoke. Can you try to stop?" Jungkook pleaded. Yoongi grunted, "I'll think about it."

"So.. what's for dinner?" Yoongi glanced at the bowl. It smelt so good, he couldn't wait to eat. "Jin hyung made his special Chap Chae." Jungkook moaned.

"What? I didn't know he could cook? Probably cause we all haven't really had a real meal together." "God you're missing out Yoongi." Jungkook slurped some of the noodles.

"Yah, where's the respect?"

"You're younger than me right now, you should be calling me hyung." Jungkook stuck out his tongue. "Wow, you're such a brat. What happened to you? You're so nice in my time." Jungkook smirked but brushed it off.

"I snuck an extra pair of chopsticks, here."

Yoongi moaned at the taste, it was better than any restaurant he's been at. "Holy fuck, this is good." Jungkook laughed. They spent the rest of dinner talking about celebrity gossip, Yoongi butting in time to time ("wait they got together? They had a baby?"). 

When it was bedtime, Yoongi was confused. Jungkook gave him a white teeshirt and joggers to wear. That wasn't what confused him though. 

"Where is Namjoon gonna sleep?" 

"Shit, I kinda forgot about that... Don't worry, I'll just locked the door before we go to bed. You can sleep in his bed." Yoongi just nodded, trusting the Jungkook would do just that. Hopefully Namjoon won't be mad though.


Yoongi had fallen asleep hours ago. Jungkook was in his bed with headphones in listening to Exo and texting Yugyeom. Jungkook yawned. "I should probably go to bed." He thought aloud. 

He texted Yugyeom a goodnight and fell alseep,

forgetting to lock the bedroom door. 

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