1 • How To Save A Life •

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Rosalie P.O.V 

Here Lays Sarah Argent Jones .


A mother , a friend , an innocent soul .

Here Lays christopher Jones .


A father , a friend , an innocent soul .

Innocent souls . Despite all the other words those two shines the most , innocent souls this is exactly what they were . I touched the cold grave stones , and ran my fingers trough the words , no matter how true those words are they don't mean anything anymore . Because they are gone and no matter what we say , no matter how we cherish them now , they are no coming back not now not ever .

" Hey , mom . I'm here again , You know they say time heals everthing but it's been ten years , why it seems like this pain is just getting bigger . This hole is swallowing me and drowing and at this point there is no one to pull me out . "

" Dad , I' afraid what if this depression eat me up who is gonna take of her . I know I know , I have to be strong but these words mean nothing when they are not coming from you . Please send me strenght from above I need it . "

This was typical for me the same day of every year , the day I lost everything . In this day , I chose to remember them how they loved me , how they cheriched me and how they were always there for instead of remembering how I lost them .

But it was all lies , this is exactly what I remember . How I lost them and how brutally they were taken from this world

" Okay , No more complains for today because actually today I have good news . Mom , The dream is true . Today your daughter is chief resident . I know you are proud I can feel it , I wish you were here to see it in your eyes . Dad , your legacy is fine , don't you worry the company is perfect the sales are perfect but most important the people are satsfied with us like you always wanted . It's hard but I'm doing my best and as long you are with even if you are not I'll make it , Love you both . Rest in piece . "


"where to Rosie ? "

Ancle Keith asked as he started the car , always called me rosie I was like a daughter to him , well he was like a father to me . Our driver for 20 years , he was always happy cheerful , one of the purest people I know , but I can see it in his eyes this day is torturing him just like the rest of us .

" to the hospital , please . I still have shifts today . "

" I think you should get some rest , I know how heavy today is . "

" Yeah it is . But rather than stay home and mourn my gone parents I'd rather go to the hospital and save people from mourning theirs . "

" Can't argue with that ."

None of us said another things that how we were , despite being so close we didn't talk much that's how we operate , we just understand each other like that .

I picked up my phone and dial the only person I'd like to talk with right now .

" Hey , Rosie ." I heard her voice after the third ring and this nickname again , people around me just like calling me that .

" What did say I about calling me that again ? You really need to start calling me mom . "

" Oh , Is mom getting angry ? You Know I'm just messing with you . " the truth is even if I wanted to get mad , I'll never be my nine years old daughter is the only hope in my life , the light in my darkness .

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