Cool teacher?

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We sat down at the chairs in the back and I placed teddy on my lap hopping the teacher wouldn't notice.

"So did you make any friends?" Mikasa asked scooting her desk near me.

I shook my head no.

"Oh well I hope you will. Man that guy was such a player. I mean like did you not see how the girls were warped around his finger."

I nodded not saying a word.

"Hiro? What's wrong?"

I looked up at her and my cheeks were still slightly red.

"What happen?"

"That guy winked at me."

"See I told you he was a player. No matter if it's girl or boy!!! I don't even think he is cute!!!"

The teacher walked in and looked around the room.

"Hello class my name is mr.takebana. But you can just call me Rin. I use my first name cuz I want to get to know you guys better an be at your level. I'm not that far from your ages so I bet we can get along. So why won't we go around the room and say each other's name."

All the girls in the room gasped and squealed..... Even Mikasa.

"Mikasa.... What's wrong?" I asked getting a little but scared.

"Do you not see him?!!! He is hot!!!!?"

I looked at the teacher and tilted my head.

I don't see it......

He had on glasses and had blue-greenish eyes. He had long black hair that was in a ponytail.

He walked to the back and to me and Mikasa's seats.

"What is your name?" He said to Mikasa.

Mikasa blushed.

"My name is Mikasa." She said while blushing.

Mr.takebana then looked at me.

"And your name?"

"Hiro." He smiled at me and his eyes were filled with something like want and need.

I smiled back and held teddy that was in my lap.

"I see you have a teddy bear." He said leaning over my desk.

"Y-yeah...." I looked away and hid my blush.

Pumpernickel!!! He wasn't suppose to see teddy!!! And now he is going to tell me to get rid of him.

"How cute. But why isn't your teddy bear on your desk. I bet he doesn't like being down there."

I looked at him shock and nodded.

He slowly grabbed teddy and placed him on the table.

"There!" He look at me and smiled.

I was no longer hiding my blush and looked straight at him in shock.

"Hahaha don't worry kid. I'm sure teddy is loving the view too."

Before he walked away he ruffled my hair and then continued to ask kids. There names.

"He is a cool teacher huh hiro?"

I shook my head yes and stared at teddy.

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