A Trip To The Library (short story)

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Sam walked to the public library, this is how she spent her Fridays, not out partying or going out like most teenagers did. She spent her weekends doing something productive, reading. As she walked in the librarian greeted her, Sam gave her a quick smile and waved then headed straight for the horror section. Sam isn't the typical girl as you can see, she is different, but in her eyes different is good. As she was looking through the new books she heard a soft voice say "Excuse me, but do you have any recommendations? I just moved here and I'm looking for some good horror novels." She looked up and greeted the stranger "I'm Sam". She shook the boy's hand and showed him some of her favorite books. His looks matched his voice, soft features, fragile. She couldn't help to admire him, bit when he looked her way she looked away. " My name is Logan, thank you." He smiled. Sam smiled Admiringly at the beauty that radiated off of him when he smiled "Your welcome, maybe we could be library buddies, you tell me what's good and I'll tell you what's good." She bit her lip and hopes he would take up her offer. He nodded "That would be cool." They both went and sat down to read their books. Sam wasn't really focused on the book though, she was focused on sneaking peeks at Logan. This wasn't Sam, she wasn't really into boys, as a matter of fact she despises them. He was different, he liked books. She started really reading her book and time practically passes them by. The librarian tapped both of them on the shoulder telling them it was time to go. She nodded and checker out her books. As she was walking out Logan stopped her "If we are librarian buddies you should have this." he handed her a slip of paper. As she looked at it he walked off, it was his phone number. She smiled, then remembered she didn't have a phone.

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