The Love I Found In You (HeartEye121 Contest One- Shot!!)

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~So I've decided to enter HeartEye121's contest, and here is a one shot for her story The Love I Found in You. It's aGeorge Weasley, fanfic and it's completely amazing. Check it out! And just to clarify I don't own anything. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zero. It's either HeartEye121's or JK Rowling's. ~*~

"Well, we are now officially moved in!" Chris exclaims as he pulls a picture out of the last box Chris and I had to unpack for our new flat. I clapped my hands together as he placed the picture on the bedside table.

"Remember when that was taken?" he asks gazing at the photo longingly. I sigh and smile.

"Yes, you had made a remark about my magical ability, but I set you straight." I said laughing as I stared at  the picture of me, wand raised with a laugh on my face, and Chris, who was dangling upside down my his ankle. His mother had taken that picture right after I came home from the Salem Witch Institute for the summer after sixth year. It wasn't a magical picture, but it was one of my favorite nonetheless.

I looked up at Chris, studying his face. It was a beautiful snowy evening in November, 1996. We had been engaged for 5 months now, and we had just arrived in London last week. I requested we go to London, Chris thought it was because it was a change of scenary, but I really wanted to get as far away as possible from my Uncle Phillip.

He looks at me, and cups my face in his hands and kisses me softly. I smile against his lips.

He pulls away slightly and says, "I'm so glad we're doing this Dani." he said, pushing my har back. I smile. "Me too." I whisper back, closing the gap between us.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

I woke up alone. Chris had found a temporary job at a coffee shop close by a magical community called Diagon Alley, where I worked as a waitress at an inn called the Leaky Cauldron. I had to be at work at nine o' clock. Chris, on the other hand, had to wake up at the crack of dawn just to be on time.

I rolled over and looked at the bedside clock. I groaned when I saw it was 8:45. I sprang out of bed and began to get ready.

I heard a tapping on the bedroom window. It was an owl. I let it in, and saw that it was carrying a newspaper called the Daily Prophet. The headline read:

                                               Important News! Muggle found DEAD!

At 7:30 this morning, many reported to seeing Death Eaters around Muggle London. According to onlookers, a muggle, by the name of Christopher Matthews, confronted the Death Eaters about their suspicious activity, not knowing what the were.

"It was frightening," says Mildred Stow, an onlooker, "he just walked right up to them. Of course, I wasn't aware they were Death Eaters either. But after about a minute of telling them off, they killed him. Everyone in the area fled. It was then I realized they were Death Eaters."

It is advised that any witch or wizard working in Diagon Alley to keep their eyes open for any more suspicious activity. If any know of anyone with any relation to this muggle, please report to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Mishaps and Maladies, floor three.

I dropped the newspaper, trembling. I sat there, unable to do anything for a long time.

Chris was dead.

My best friend.

My saviour.

My fiance.


I couldn't cry. I was just in shock. To surprised, to sad to function. My head was swimming with thoughts of Chris, his mother and family back in Massachusetts, with the Death Eaters that killed him.

After I had regained some composure, I quickly scribbled a note to my employer at the Leaky Cauldron, saying I wouldn't be able to come in today. I tied it to the owl that delivered me the paper, and sent it off.

Then, I set out this St. Mungo's Hospital, going to Diagon Alley for directions.

"Hello, I'm the fiance of Christopher Matthews, the muggle who was murdered this morning." I said quietly to a middle aged nurse on floor three.

"Oh you poor dear. Come, right this way." she said, taking my hand, guiding me through the bustling corridors of the hospital. I followed, blankly staring at my feet.

"Here we are dear. Would you like a moment alone?" the nurse asks when we reach the room. I nod slowly. The room was small and white. A single cot in the center, with a body covered in a crisp white sheet.

As I inched toward the cot, I became less and less sure of myself. Finally, I pulled back the white sheet. There was Chris, staring. But it wasn't Chris. Chris' blue eyes lit up when he saw me. He always had a smile on his face. Chris had life. And this wasn't Chris.

That's when I lost it. The tears I thought I didn't have, came pouring out of me. I shouted, I screamed for Chris to come back. But I had to face facts. Chris wasn't coming back. He never would. And I would have to face the not so simple task of moving on.

A short time later, the nurse came in again.

"Miss? I'm sorry deary, but we need you to fill out some paperwork. Come with me deary. I'm so sorry." the kind nurse told me, taking my hand again. She nearly had to pry me away from Chris, but I went with her eventually.

The paperwork was standard: How are you related to the deceased? Where do you or the deceased live? Things like that. I hated it. How they called him 'the deceased'. He was more than that. He was funny, he was handsome, he was so caring, and he was a hero.

He was my hero, and I loved him. I didn't want to move on, I didn't want to forget Chris. But I could never forget Chris. He would always be with me. He was my first love, he was my only love, and he would be forever. I loved him, I couldn't betray him like that.

"Miss? It's time to go." the nurse told me. All I could do was nod and follow her. She led me back to the white room so I could have one last time alone with Chris.

"Chris, I love you. I always will. No matter what I do, or where I go. Although, I don't see how I'll be able to do anything without you. You were my life. I'll try to carry on for you. That's what you'd want, right? I just don't understand why the best people have to die the soonest. Oh Chris, why'd you have to leave me? Why? I love you Chris, I hope you knew that. I know I'll never forget."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2012 ⏰

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