The Fall Of An Order

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October 29th, 2025, Morris

Screams! Screams filled the crisp cold night air as I was walking alone in the park. Listening quietly, I can hear the raspy breath of someone or something, near by. I can hear another scream, the same scream. I began to wonder if tonight was a good night to come out.

Suddenly the bushes rustled. I didn't hear the raspy breath get closer, which was strange. Hearing him now meant that he was close enough to see. Feeling a little lost I made a run for it. I am no track star. I suck at running. In fact, I suck at almost all sports. I am a shut in. I prefer books to people. The only time I go out is on nights like this. The cool air on a slight breeze, with cloud cover, overcast nights are my favourite.

Sorry I was off topic; these are journals after all. Anyways, I was running from this monster when I saw her. The lady who must have been screaming. She was sitting crossed legged on the park fountain, her long red hair flowing in the wind.

"Well, you are the only one to hear my screams." She said to me.

"I was hoping to get the police involved because I thought someone was in trouble." I said, "but now I see it was a façade."

"Quite right. Shiki!" She yelled and Raspy stalked over to her.

"So that is a Shikigami?" I asked.

"You realised what he is, and right away too." She mused, "I knew I chose right."

"Chose right, what does that mean?" I asked.

"Oh, you know, to become my next Shikigami!" she yelled. Just then Raspy was running full tilt towards me.

"Cloak me in protective armour." I chanted. Just as Raspy's blow would have hit me the barrier I placed stopped the attack, Raspy jumped back to his, sorry, its mistress side.

"What the hell are you, a priest?" she asked furious.

"No, I'm an exorcist who retired from the life." I said, "just as you use dark spirits to gain power, I use divine spirits to gain strength and banish demons."

"No, no way, I'm fighting a fellow exorcist." She realised.

"Yes, and I will have to report you to head quarters." I said, "for trying to use human spirits to gain power."

"No, you can't I won't let you." She snapped.

"So, you intend to fight me?" I asked

"Yes, I do." She lunged for me. My barrier, still up, bounced her attack back. Raspy tried to flank my left, but I quickly summoned my staff.

"Guardian bless this dark beast into your loving light." I said as I slammed my staff into Raspy, dispelling it.

"No, my Shikigami." She fell to her knees.

"I'm sorry, but you instigated the fight." I said.

"Wait," she said. "Who are you?" She asked. "How did you dispel a Shikigami with just a staff?"

"My name is Morris, and I am a Paladin." I said.

"No, no impossible. You are supposed to be dead." She snarled.

"Yeah that was a lie. Now HQ will know I'm alive." I sighed.

"Why, why did you lie. Why did you quit?" She asked.

"So, I could live a normal high school life." I answered.


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