용서 해줘

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A/N- 용서 해줘 means Forgive Me In Korean! :)

Jin P.O.V-

Of course, after Hoseok explained everything with the little help of Jungkook and Jimin I forgave Him and I made a massive promise to Protect him from now on.

"Wow, alot did happen when I went to rehab for 3 years" I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"Oh yeah. How did it go Jin?" Hoseok asked me with hope in his voice.

"Im finally Clean" I said happily.

"Oh, Im so proud of you Jinnie" Hosoek said grabbing ahold of me hugging me tightly.

"You, still remember my nickname?" I started tearing up.

"Of, course! But let us take things slow because I just lost Taehyung" Hoseok said hanging his head down low.

"I promise, cross my heart hope to die, we will take things slow" I said tilting his chin back up.

"Honeslty I really have missed you Jinnie"

"Awww" Jimin and Jungkook who were cuddling each other on the couch stealing pecks said in usion.

"Aish, shutup you two" Hoseok said as He blushed bashfully.

"Sorry we will leave you both alone. Dont go to bed too late because it is already 10:30pm, so I want you to go to bed at 11:00pm. Oh, and Jin your sleeping on the couch, there are linens in the cuboard up the hallway to your left" Jimin said politely.

"Yes, mum" I said sarcastically.

"Excuse Me?" Jimin turned around giving Jin a death glare.

"Well, you are acting like a mum Jimin" Hoseok said.

"If you both have completly forgotten im in my nine month stage and more then ready to have this baby" Jimin shot back looking at both of us now with a murderous glare.

"Jimin, dont do this. You have to rest" Jungkook said pushing Jimin up the stairs.

"Fine. Goodnight you pair" Jimin said rolling his eyes as he is being forced up the stairs.

Hoseok and I chatted a bit more until it was maybe a bit over 11:00pm. Haha. We bid our Goodnights and I grabbed the linens from the cuboard. I put my head onto the pillow on the couch, staring at the celing. I was so close to sleeping until I heard footsteps coming down the staircase. I lifted my head to see Hoseok and the baby. I forgot to ask for the babies name. Hoseok carefully walked over to me with his little bundle of joy in his arms. He sat down on the end of the couch.

"I Thought you might want to see Taeok" Hoseok said smiling with glee, handing her over to me.

"What type is she?" I said smiling at the adorable little bundle of joy.

"A Beta, but yet she craves human blood like us"

"So, she is half Vampire and Werewolf?" I questioned.

"Yes. Jin if You want to be with me. You have to also take care of Taeok. Can You do that?" Hoseok asked with a hopeful look.

"Hoseok, I would love to become the Father of your child even if im not the one you created the baby with"

"I love you so much Jinnie"

"I love you too Hoseokie" I said as Hoseok placed a quick peck on my lips and left me blushing hard while he walked back up the staircase to his room with Taeok. I knew Hoseok still loved me. I never doubted it.

Jimin P.O.V-

I slept in around about until 2:00am because I woke up feeling a strong pain in my lower region. I held my stomach tighlty feeling how hard it was getting, it wasnt soft anymore and I felt a painful contraction in less then 2 minutes. I started taking deep breaths thinking it was just a false alarm, but that was until Jungkook woke up beside me, sniffing the air.

"Jimin, what is that smel... Omg, your in Labour Jimin. Stay here and take deep breaths"

"Thats what I have been doing"

"Just stay"

Jungkook came back with blankets and dooner covers lying them down in one corner of the room for me to lay on. He helped me over to the blankets lying me down on them gently. The contractions were still hitting me, but It still was not time yet. Jungkook could feel the pain I was feeling, so he lyed down beside me, my back on his chest as he streched his arm over rubbing calming circles on my stomach. Jungkook honestly treats me like I am an Omega, but I cant blame him because he is an Alpha.

"Jungkookie, it hurts" I screeched as I knew  had to start pushing any minute now.

"Shh, your ok Jimin, Im here"

And that is when I started pushing as I felt the baby dropping lower.

"Ughh...Jungkook grab Jin, Now"


"Because he worked as a Doctor for 3 years before he started taking drugs, so just go and grab him please"

Jungkook didnt need to be told twice because he just quickly nodded and ran. I had my hands on my stomach breathing heavily when Jungkook walked back in with a sleepy Jin.

"Oh, Jin Hyung, Your here. Thank You Kookie"

"Omg, Jimin your In Labour" The now fully awake Jin said to me.

"Yeah, I am so could you help please"

"Yes, right away"

Jungkook P.O.V-

I watched how Jin rush towards Jimin, sitting him upright and placing a towel underneath him. Jin looked over towards me giving me a look of why are you just standing there.

"Jungkook can you please come and hold Jimins hand" Jin demanded.

"But Jimin is going to crush my hand" I pouted.

"I thought I was your sweet caring Husband" Jimin said screaming in Pain. That had awoken me and I rushed to his side.

"Squeze my hand as tight as you want sweetie" I said giving Jimin my hand which he imidiatley took and my hand already felt numb in under a minute. My other hand was pushing Jimins bangs out of his face back up to his hair whilst he still held my hand strongly.

"Jimin, your nearly there. Just one more push"

"Jin, can I please have water before that?"

"Jimin, you are not moving neither is Jungkook because he needs to see the birth of his child aswell. So therefore he will grab you a Drink after you give birth"

"Ughh...fine" Jimin screamed once again, pushing for the last time.

Silent cries broke the room and Jimin and I saw our percious little girl being cleaned up by Jin. After Jessica was cleaned up, Jimin and I cut her Umbilical Cord, and then we held her half, half. Obviously Jimin got to hold her precious head whilst I tickled her tiny feet which she scrunched her nose to. I could see Jimin crying tears of Joy. To be honest I wanted to cry aswell, but Im an Alpha and I cant go soft right now when my husband needs me.

"She is so beautiful Kookie"

"Just Like you"


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