chapter 1

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   There I was ,young and  had no clue of what  was,going on just watching  my grandma o her death mom and father beside  her during  this time while without  knowing  the  situation  I sat there on the chair with my feet just dangling. I was about  the age of six and still remember  it as if it were yesterday. Soon grandma reached in my direction in her weak state,she was breathing deep and slow. She then gripped my hand and began  massaging  it with her thumb.

       "What is happening  grandma?" I asked in an innocent  voice filled with confusion.she then slowly smiled and said in a clam voice "my dear, you may not understand but there is a time in life when people have to go...""grandma ,what are saying?" I asked while anticipating more to the sentence.Soon her hand released and her eyes were closed. My mouth began to tremble and I rushed into tears as I dug my small face into my father's chest. I felt like my walls crumbling, heart aching and mind confused  there were no words to describe  how I felt at that state my mind was filled with so many questions  like "why didn't  they take to the hospital?""what happened to her?""why did she have to go so quick?". But I was yet to realize that I was unable to do anything about it.

     Which brings us to now, my name is Elmira James and this is my story. I was fresh in college  and has been a week adjusting  to everything ,thankfully two of my beasties ashely ,trial and clear . but as I was just getting comfy........

                    " Ah , its a beautiful  Sunday morning  no teachers ,no books , no work I'm  I right guys?.Guys?.hm".then I walked into our small kitchen made some tea, sat down and browsing threw Instagram. " hmm that's strange  they wouldn't go walking without  me, would they? twenty-five messages.

Now that's strange .

    " your  late ,remember the presentation today GRADED!WHAT!".then I realized  that  I was running one hour, five minutes and twenty-five seconds late for miss. Fletcher's class which  was by far the worst.
            Out of a shocked surprise I choked on my tea, dropped my phone and leaped into the bathroom. I then took a six minute  shower ,took three minutes to get dressed, one minute to find my history  book and ten seconds to lock the door.

"Excuse me! Coming  threw!" I yelled like a crazy coke head but instead of panting like crazy my breathing  was steady ,strong and began to pick up speed.

Strange?,yup, but it happens outta the blue when I run.

   " *sigh* thank goodness  I was at least five minutes before  the presentation"." Michelle" "present" "loranzo " "present" "Cooper" "present" "Jones " " ah, present miss .Fletcher" "James" "PRESENT!!!!" I shouted out before tripping  over my feet in embarrassment. "Well miss.James this is bad even for you, now get of the floor before I have to sweep you out of my class"
Miss. Fletcher  said with a solid and stern voice.

Dang!, that woman was cold.

It's like ever since I got on that podium and introduced  myself  it's  like miss Fletcher and I haven't  been picking up the right vibe. So I quickly got up, brushed off and took my seat." Here comes the Calvary" tria said with a gruched face ,"you guys left me" I whispered ."Em we tried to wake you but face it ,you sleep  dead"clear commented "no I don't " suddenly the three gave me a lifted brow stare.

"Ok, maybe I do".

         " Hello, hello does anyone  remember  the presentation  at hand" ashley said while snapping her fingers "oh I have them ,just look inside  the book"."Em ,is your necklace  supposed  to be glowing like that?"clear asked in curious voice,when I looked down  at my chest the pendant  was glowing  like crazy. Mom gave this to me when I was about fourteen and it has never glowed,especially like this

      It was an amber rough cut piece that was famous for shining  in the sun and highlighting  the brown in my eyes followed by a gold chain which never  left my neck.
In a confusion of what I just saw I quickly  covered the pendant  from grabbing to much attention and walked quietly down to miss.Fletcher's desk."excuse me miss.Fletcher please  May I be excused to the rest room" I asked desperately."Ah, as long as you return before  the presentations  start " miss.Fletcher advised  while giving me the go ahead to leave. But as I left the class I caught a glimpse of Tristan threw the corner of my eye looking at me as if he were concerned.

then I quickly  dashed from the class ,into the bathroom and swiftly found a stall . I pushed down the lid and sat.
"What's  wrong with you?" I asked the pendant, soon the glowing increased and then lowered .it began to beat like a heart as if someone  was wrong "hmm,this is definitely  strange "I said while trying to figure out what's taking place .suddenly  it stopped and my phone rang straight  after.

" Hello ,dad" "emira come home!now!"my father commanded "alright  chill I'm on my way".after I hung up the phone I busted out of the stall,washed my hands I encountered  two girls  looking  at me as if i had spaghetti on my face.

Did anyone ever tell them ,it's rude to stare.

"Umm are you ok" the blonde one asked with a raised brow,"yeah why?"I replied to the awkward  question. "Are you sure?"the brunette added, but by there facial expressions  and what I thought  they heard the only thing that could  be running  threw  their minds that I was talking  to my vagina.

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