Chapter 4: Hurt

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Y/n's POV

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Y/n's POV

You ignored your parents as you walked into the house. "Honey? How was your day?" Your mom asked as you brushed past her. You slammed your bedroom door shut and threw yourself onto your bed and buried yourself underneath the covers.

You smushed your face into the pillow as you let out a quiet yet stressed out scream.

"Boys are fucking idiots!" You yelled into your pillow.

You turned over, still buried underneath your blanket, and started talking to yourself. "Who the hell does Jungkook think he is? He cheats on me, I break up with him, we don't talk for a while, I finally start to regain myself again and here he is ruining everything again! I hate him I hate him I hate him!"

You felt your eyes become heavy. "Oh hell no! I am not going to cry over this asshole again! Stop, stop. Don't cry, you're fine Y/n. Get yourself together." But it didn't work. You felt a tear trickle down your cheek.

You had to stop your self-ranting session because your mom came in your room. "Are you okay?" She asked you, the concern clear in her voice. You sniffled, "I'm fine mom." "Do you wanna talk about it?" She asked sitting down on your bed slowly removing the blanket off of you.

She knew something was bothering you. She may not have caught on to you and Jungkook having sex at 2 in the morning, but she isn't a fool.

She saw you tear stained cheek and felt her heartache. She knows what happened with Jungkook.

She wiped your face and smiled. "Not really mom... I just wanna be alone right now." Your voice cracked. "Y/n... I know he hurt you and I know you feel like-" "Mom!" You interrupted her. The tears were getting heavier and heavier and you were about to break down any minute and you'd hate for your mom to see that. "Can you just get out?"

She frowned.

She stood up to leave and bent down and planted a kiss on your forehead. "I love you sweetie," she cooed. "I love you too mom," you shakily said. Your lips were starting to tremble and the tears were going to escape from your eyes any second now.

She shut the door behind her and as soon as she was out of your room you let the tears fall. You sobbed heavily on your pillow.

"Why'd he do this to me? I loved him..." You cried. Your cries were getting louder and louder.

You felt so empty.

Your Mom's POV

I stayed outside of my daughters door for another minute listening to her cry.

It kills me to hear her cry and know she's hurting because of some foolish boy. I really thought Jungkook was different but I guess high school boys are all the same.

I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to go in and comfort her but I know how she gets when she's upset. She just wants to be alone.

It was too much for me to handle so I walked away and went into the kitchen to prepare dinner. I'm going to make her favorite- spicy ramen.

Y/n's POV

Your eyes weeped heavy tears as memories of you and Jungkook began replaying in your head. For instance your first kiss...

"Thanks for taking my notes for me, Jungkook.. I really appreciate it." You said taking your notebook from him. You were sick and out of school and he offered to copy the notes for you so you wouldn't be behind.

"No problem! You'd probably do the same for me if I was sick," he said smiling. "No I wouldn't!" You said laughing. "Jerk! Then I think I'll just hold onto this if that's how you really feel," he said snatching your yellow notebook out of your hands.

"Hey!" You yelled, "give that back."

"Reach for it shorty," he said holding it above his head. You jumped as high as you could but alas, you were too short. "Come on, please," you whined. "I'll give it back if you kiss me," he said with a smirk. "Oh yeah?" You asked like it was a challenge.

"Yeah," he said grinning. You pulled his face down and put his bottom lip in between your lips, kissing him shallowly. He dropped your notebook on the floor and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you in closer as well as deepening the kiss.

And before you knew it you were against the wall in nothing but your bra, but your mom came home so you had to stop and he left.

Your phone lit up with a message after he left.

'Thanks for the kiss'

You smiled thinking about how happy you were, but then felt an anchor in your chest remembering that you don't have that anymore and that you're not happy.

You let the tears continue to flow from your eyes but then went silent when you heard your door open. "Y/n? Are you awake? I made ramen..." it was your mom. You pretended to be asleep.

"Oh... I guess you're sleeping. I'll just leave it here for you so if you wake up you won't be hungry." She said placing the bowl on your bedside table.

Your Mom's POV

I knew she wasn't sleeping but I pretended to believe she was anyways.

Your POV

You sat up a few minutes after she left to eat. "Spicy ramen... my favorite." You smiled.

You ate and set the bowl aside. You looked at your phone. "Might as well go to bed, I have that biology test tomorrow..." You said adjusting yourself into a comfortable sleeping position.

You cleared your mind from everything as you started drifting to sleep and before you knew it you were sleeping.

Your Mom's POV

I waited an hour before going back to Y/n's room to take the bowl out and put it in the sink.

I looked down at my beautiful sleeping daughter and smiled. She looked so peaceful.

I kissed her forehead and grabbed the bowl and left.

All I want is for her to be happy again.


I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, please forgive me. I've been really busy.

But hey I actually liked this chapter!

How are you guys doing? Please take care of yourselves❤️I love you all.

Goodnight!! Thanks for reading. Please don't be silent reader's, I can take constructive criticism. Anything that can help improve my writing and my stories.

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