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Welcome to episode 1 of the One Night Only series!

Let's see how good this is...

The opening pyrotechnics go off in Rogers Arena, then Mauro Ranallo speaks as the camera pans around the arena.

Mauro: Here we are, everyone! The One Night Only series begins here in BEAUTIFUL Vancouver! Hello everyone, I'm Mauro Ranallo, and alongside me is Coach, and Byron Saxton!

Byron: Tonight is gonna be action packed! We have Rick C going against The Social Media Sinister, Ken Warren, and we have Lexi Bunny going against Suicide!

Coach: And our Main Event! Bolt! Hanazuki! "I Quit!" Match!

Byron: It comes to this! This war between Bolt and Hanazuki has boiled over!

Mauro: And a new Quarrel between her and Lexi has sparked on Shockwave Episode 3!

Coach: Can't wait for tonight! Let's head to the action!

(OPENING MATCH: Luan Loud vs. Gigz Stryker)

The crowd cheers as Gigz Stryker made his way to the ring.

*Bell rings*

Christy Hemme: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first from Manila, Philippines, weighing in at 115 pounds, The 90's Action Hero, GIGZ STRYKER!!!!

Mauro: It's action time! Gigz Stryker is here, and it's gonna be good!

Coach: I'm loving Bon Jovi right now! *Sings along*

Byron: And his opponent, is someone who's been in LWF since day one! Her name is Luan Loud.

Gigz enters the ring, and then takes his leather jacket and shades off.

Out comes Luan Loud, and the crowd gave the same reaction they gave Gigz Stryker.

Mauro: Luan Loud. Former LWF Champion, former LWF Intercontinental Champion, looking to bounce back to the title picture.

Coach: A win here could be a good start!

Luan enters the ring, a hanging microphone is lowered, and it plops right into her hand.

Luan: Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages, this the moment you've all been waiting for... I Hail from Royal Woods, Michigan, I am a STRYKER of wordplay, my name... is LUAAAAAAANNN!!!! LOUD!!!!!

She then goes to the top turnbuckle, and held the mic up to her lips once more.

Luan: L-O-U-D! LOUD!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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