Which love to choose ? (lol. really couldn't come up with a title)

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I'm new to this so bear with me. Hope you fuys enjoy reading this as much as I do writing it.

P.S Character introductions come later on in the story. (sorry)

"Neemah! Neemah ! " My mom yelled up the stairs. I came running down to the living room.

"Yes ma?"

"Are you still coming to Jamal's graduation ?"

"I can't it's on the same day as prom !"

"Prom. Child you can go to prom any time, but you only graduate once."

"No mama. Prom is only for your senior year in high school. Jamal's graduated twice . First high school now college. I went when he graduated from high school. Isn't that enough ?"

"Whateva then. It really is your choice."

"Thank you mama but tell Miss Janet and Mr. Curtis I said hi ." Jamal was my neighbor ever since we were little. As long as I could remember he and my family were close. His parents were like my parents. Even though he was four years older than me we still did everything together.Until about 3 years ago when he and his family moved. We kinda grew apart and it was then I realized just how much I loved him. I still haven't told him I like him and in a few monthhs im going to leave for Florida for college ." Only problem is Jamal and I live in Maryland. Jamal was light skinned, the color of fresh buttermilk, shhoulder length dreads, pink lips, and eyes the color of mud. His body was nothing short of perfection. Years of playin football had done his body good. Growing up he would always do somethin sweet like come out on the porch and watch the stars with me, letting me lay my head on his lap. Then he wouldn't talk to me for a week. I grew hella tired of his games and decided I wasnt gonna wait for him anymore. But love had it's own plans and every relationship I had been in failed. And who else but Jamal is there to pick up the pieces. Sometimes I can't stand his ass. Yet after 10 years, I still love him. That's a long ass time.


"Neemah !" My mom yelled. I came downstairs.

"Yes ?"

"We're about to leave. You sure you don't want to come to the graduation?"

"Yes ma'am!"

"Well okay. The graduation is over around three. Then I'll head over to Jamal's house to help his mother cook for the party. "

"Okay ." She kissed me on the cheek.

"Bye then." I looked at the clock, it was only 12. My hair appointment wasn't till 3:30 and I was gonna do my makeup by myself. I went back upstairs and fell on my bed. Even in my sleep I could hear "Usher's - There Goes My Baby". That was my girl Tasha's ringtone. We had been friends since kindergarden. I picked up the phone.

"Hello ?" I said

"Hello ? What do you mean hello ? I've been calling your phone all day. "

"Oh my bad" I yawned "I was sleepin."

"Sleepin ? How can you find time to sleep when it's 2:15 pm ? "

"2 what ? " I looked at the time on my phone .

"Oh now you get it. Im comin' over your house and by the time I get there you betta be ready."

"Okay" I said as I started stripping. "I'll leave the door open ."

"Fine . Your ass betta hurry up." Tasha said then dropped.

I ran to my closet and picked out a yellow polo shirt and a pair of white shorts.Then hopped in the shower. When I got out it was 2:50. As I started dressing I heard the door open down stairs.

"Tasha is that you ?" I called down.

"Naw it's Bobo the clown. " She yelled. I hurried up and put my slippers on then rushed downstairs. Tasha was in the kitchen.

"Come on let's go."

"Don't rush me. You the one who decided to sleep. I need something to eat. "

"Just take the bag of cookies and let's go."

"Dang okay." It was 3:05 when we left my house. When we got in the car I couldn't help but worry about my hair appointment. Accent's hair salon was like 30 minutes away from my house. I knew I was gonna be late. Lucky for me though, when we got to the salon, Gigi, my hairstylist was still doin smeone else's hair.

"Thank God." I said to Tasha.Tasha's hairdresser however played no games with time and was shouting for her to hurry up. I sat there and waited for Gigi to finish.

"Ooohh. Neemah I'm so sorry I kept you waitin." Gigi said.

"It's okay Miss Gigi. You know I love the way you do my hair so I'm willing to wait." She laughed then guided me to a chair. I was natural so my hair came down to my shoulders but when stretched it reached the middle of my back. Gigi washed my hair then straightened it, then started styling it. She did some kind of funky 40's inspired updo with pin curls on the side. Dang I was feeling it and I looked cute. When she finished, I hugged her then me and Tasha left. It was 5:00 when we left the salon. at 5:30 Tasha dropped me off at my house then went home to get dressed. The limo was going to pick us up at her house at 7:00 so I had to hurry. I went upstairs and took off my off my clothes making sur not to mess up my hair. I took my dress out from the closet and laid it on the bed. It was a body clinging two strapped black lace dress. The back was bare and made a U-shaped dip right before my butt crack showed. From the shin down the bottom was flowly and there was a medium length spilt up the right side. Yes, my dress was beautiful. I went into the bathroom and started on my makeup. I put on the foundation, bronzer, and applied my eye shadow to make it have a smokee effect. I went back into my room then splipped into my dress. I serached through y jewlrey box and got out my pearl necklace, earring, and ring set. Jewlrey was on, but it still felt like I was missing something. I looked in the mirror. "Oh my lipstick". I took out my red lipstick and applied it on. Put a little vaseline over it to make it shine. Then I put on my red stilletos and walked downstairs. It ws 6:15. Yes right on time. My boyfriend Kevin was supposed to be here at 6:30. Kevin and I had been on and off for about a year and when he asked me to prom we were broken up but I still said yes. The doorbell rang. nevamind, he came early.

"Hold on Kevin, Im coming !" I grabbed my purse and made sure I wasn't forgetting anything. When I opened the door Jamal stood there.

"Who you callin Kevin ? " he said.

He was my childhood crushWhere stories live. Discover now