Break ups and Realizations

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So I decided to update twice today for two reasons.

1) I haven't updated in a few days and I felt bad

2) It's One Direction's second birthday!

So enjoy this little bit of Narry loving and a cliffhanger!

Liam’s Point of View

“It’s Harry. I’m in love with Harry Styles.” Woah. Niall just told me he is gay- which I have no problem with- but he’s in love with Harry too? Poor Niall, no wonder he was cutting. Seeing the one you love , love someone else would kill me. I hug him tighter- his body is shaking from his sobbing. “Shhh, Ni, it’s ok. Everything will be fine.” I say rocking the boy back and forth. I hate how vulnerable he is. “Are you sure Liam?” I her his tiny voice say, and for once I don’t have an answer.

Harry’s Point of View

The sound of my phone ringing awakens me from a peaceful sleep. All I dreamt about was Niall- and they were the best dreams ever. I look at the caller ID to see it is Liam- hopefully he found Niall. “Hello?” I say into my phone. I look at the clock 12:30. I’ve only been asleep for two hours. “Hey, I found Niall. He was just at the park.” I sigh in relief. “Thank god, I was worried sick. Tell him I’m sorry for whatever I did to him that got him so mad. I feel absolutely terrible.” Niall is fine. I feel myself relax. “Yeah I will. We’ll be home soon. Night Harry.” Then the phone line goes dead. I flop back against my pillow- waiting for dreams of Niall to put me to sleep.

Niall’s Point of View

“Yeah I will. We’ll be home soon. Night Harry.” Then Liam clicks off the phone. He just called all the boys to let them know that he found me and that I’m ok. “He says he’s sorry for making you so mad. He said he feels absolutely terrible.” I smile. Harry is so cute- I act like a complete ass to him and he still cares. “Are all the girls still over?” I ask- I could care less if the other girls were still there. I just want to know if Harry was still with Emily. “No Louis said that Eleanor, Jennifer and Danielle left shortly after I did. But he’s not too sure about Emily.” I frown- of course he’s with her. “But from the sound of it Harry was asleep when I called him- and alone.” Liam emphasizes the word alone. Maybe Emily left- I hope she did. “Let’s go, I’m absolutely knackered.” I say getting up and stretching. Liam leads me to the car and we get in. Traveling home in silence.

Harry’s Point of View

I hear my door open and I look up to see Niall standing in-front of me. He has on a pair of beige chinos and that’s it. I could just see the rim of his boxers. Damn is he sexy. “Uh hey harry” he says shyly. I smile at him. “Hey Ni. What’s up?” he looks down.” I pat the spot next to me and he looks up at me. I motion for him to come and sit next to me. He walks over and I put my hand on his thigh. The contact makes electricity run up and down my arm. I feel Niall shiver at the contact. “I uh- just wanted to say sorry for how I acted yesterday. I got mad for no reason and I shouldn’t have pushed you.” He looks everywhere but my eyes. I remove my hand from his thigh and grab his chin- forcing his blue eyes to look into my green ones. “You have nothing to apologize for. I shouldn’t have pushed you that far. Sure I was concerned but I should have dropped it. I’m sorry Nialler. Do you forgive me?” He smiles. Oh how I love that smile. “Of course I forgive you Haz; I can never stay mad at you.” A shiver runs down my spine when he calls me Haz. I let go of his chin and pull him in for a hug. His arms wrap around me and I sigh in content. “I love you Haz.” He just said he loved me. “I love you to Nialler.” I say back nuzzling my head into his neck. He pulls away and I frown. “I don’t mean it in a brotherly way Harry. I’m in love with you and I have been for a long time.” I smile. Niall loves me. That’s all that matters to me. “I love you too Ni.” And then I connect our lips- and only one word can describe it- Magical.

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