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The time was 2am, and Ayano was fast asleep beside an also fast asleep Oka. She had her arms wrapped around her smaller girlfriend, breathing in her scent. Everything was perfect, until Ayano was awoken by a knock at the door. Ayano groaned, opening her eyes. She forced her heavy feeling body to get up, opening the door. Stood on the other side was Info-chan, clinging on to an old teddy bear. She looked distressed.
"Can I sleep with you in your room tonight please? I keep having nightmares..." Info-chan whined quietly. She'd already asked Ryoba, who'd said to ask Ayano. The black haired girl opened her door a little further, allowing her in. "Thank you Aya-chan." She said quietly, getting into the bed next to Oka. Ayano closed the door and got back into her side of the bed, cuddling Oka again. The occultist was still fast asleep, blissfully unaware.

Ryoba found herself home again taking care of Info-chan. Oka and Ayano were out on a date, and mr. Aishi had driven them there and had to wait for them to drive them home again. Ryoba was tidying, looking into Info-chan's bedroom. The room was a mess. Clothes and shoes were scattered everywhere, and the bed was unmade.
"MARI!" She screamed for the redhead at the top of her lungs. Within moments Info-chan had run to Ryoba. She was shaking slightly. She hated shouting, especially when it was aimed at her. That's when it scared her. "What the fuck is this?" She asked angrily, pointing into the room at the mess. Info-chan looked into the messy bedroom too.
"I'm sorry mum." She said quietly, looking down. She could tell that was exactly why Ryoba was angry with her, although she couldn't understand why. She never went into her bedroom, or even near her if she could help it.
"Clear it up now." Ryoba ordered. She glanced into the room, frowning. She knew it would take a while, and wasn't quite sure where everything went or if she'd ever get it up to Ryoba's high standards.
"But I don't wanna!" She pouted. Ryoba glared at her, suddenly grabbing and pulling on her red hair. She gasped in shock as she was pulled into the middle of the room and thrown to the floor.
"You will do as I say or you'll be in serious trouble!" Ryoba shouted in her face. Her nasty side liked to come out when her beloved husband wasn't around, and since Info-chan was the only one around she received the brunt of Ryoba's anger. She whimpered and nodded her head, putting her hand where Ryoba had pulled her hair. Without a word, Ryoba turned and left, locking the bedroom door behind her. Info-chan shuffled over to the door and started kicking it. She didn't like being trapped in any room. Ryoba returned after a minute, the door swinging open. Ryoba slapped her as hard as possible on the cheek, causing her to scream. "Stop being a brat and tidy your room!" Ryoba shouted, slamming the door shut in her face. She whimpered quietly, curling up as tears ran out of her eyes.

An hour later, Ayano and Oka came back. Info-chan could hear them from outside the room, knowing they would let her out and comfort her. She started kicking on her door again. After a minute the door was unlocked and opened. Oka came in, frowning softly.
"What happened?" She asked, coming in and closing the door mostly. She sat down opposite Info-chan, noticing the red mark on her cheek from when Ryoba had hit her.
"Mum got really angry... she pulled my hair and hit me and locked me in here." Info-chan whimpered, teaching for a hug. Oka comfortingly hugged her, gently rubbing her back. She hated to think Ryoba was mistreating her when she and Ayano weren't around to stop her.
"It's okay now. Me and Ayano are here and we're not gonna let you get hurt anymore." Oka promised softly, gently stroking her soft red hair. Info-chan nodded weakly, burying her head in Oka's slender shoulder.

Unfortunately, Ayano and Oka both had to go back to school. Mr. Aishi had taken them, so Info-chan was with Ryoba again. The older woman had taken to berating her and pointing out everything that was wrong with her. She was fairly quiet, just taking it because she was scared to speak out against her.
"You're lazy, stupid, childish and bratty. You need to learn how to act your age." Ryoba told her harshly. She whimpered, looking up with surprise. After the treatment to undo her real father's torture, she really believed she was about six or seven. Her behaviour was perfectly normal for that of a six or seven year old.
"But Mum-" she began hesitantly. Ryoba hated when anyone spoke back to her. She'd never really dealt with Ayano speaking back. Ayano was completely different when she was six or seven to how Info-chan acted now. Ryoba wasn't used to dealing with someone so emotional.
"Shut up!" Ryoba shouted in her face, shoving her back. Info-chan stumbled, tripping and falling backwards down the stairs. Her scream in fear and panic echoed through the house. By the time she landed on the floor at the bottom of the stairs, she was unconscious. She looked like she'd sustained a head injury and twisted her ankle. Ryoba looked down at her, having nothing to say. Right at that moment, mr. Aishi came though the front door.
"Ryoba? Mari?" He called, entering through the front door. He hadn't seen Info-chan on the floor by the stairs, or Ryoba stood at the top. He came in, gasping in shock. "Mari?" He ran to her and dropped to his knees, checking her over. After making sure she was still breathing he looked up and saw his beloved wife. She hadn't moved from the top of the stairs. He picked up Info-chan, still watching his wife. He was almost certain his wife knew what happened to Info-chan. "Ryoba... what happened?"

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