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Name: Y/n L/n

Age: 17

Birthdate: Unknown

Likes: Animals, being alone, forests, the dark.

Dislike: Being the center of attention, mean people, animal hunters, people, being forced to fight.

Others: We know nothing about him except that he is always surrounded by many types of animals. He lives in a forest around the town and nobody knows where he is. He is to be considered very dangerous because of some unknown powers that himself seems to be afraid of.


On a beautiful day of September, a young boy was walking with is family, he has two brothers and of course mother and father. They were heading to a restaurant and once they were there, they took a sit and waited to order something to eat. The waiter arrived soon after that and the family started to order.

(Father's name): Well kids, what do you want?

Brother 1: Erm......

Y/n: Erm....M-mister?

Waiter: Yeah?

Y/n: Can I have a "blue cheese with bacon burger" please?

Waiter: Ok, that's noted.

Brother 2: I would lik-

*Bang* *Bang*

They heard gun shots and they instantly crouched down. They were screams and people falling lifeless on the ground. The terrified young boy turned around to see his family but what he saw will stay in his mind forever. His whole family had been shoot down and now the young boy started breaking down and shaking the lifeless bodies of his dead family. The killer took a step in front of the
h/c boy and put the gun on the kid's head. That's when a bright flash blinded everyone. And when everything returned normal, people could only see the boy, looking to the sky and.....with blood on his hands. The guy was dead and now the boy was looking satisfied of a weird happiness, the joy of killing started to build up in him and he started to approach the survivors. They all looked so scared of him but, his once sadistic face changed into a saddly traumatised face. He looked around and saw the body of the killer. He started to shake uncontrollably and when he saw that the others family where terrified of him, he started to cry and he ran as fast as he could into the nearby forest. He sat down near a tree and cried until he had no tears left. He heard the bushes move. He stood up and waited to see what will happen to him after what he has done. That's when the shadow of an animal approached him. It was a wolf and since he could see that he wasn't attacking, the boy sat back down and the wolf snuggled on him and thus they drifted to sleep.

A/n: Oi, Simon-san here, if the backstory is bad, don't worry,I have plans for you. Tell me if there's anything you want me to do. Bye!

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