3: Skinship

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[A/N] All pictures I used are from their IGs or fan pics from the internet. Credits to the real owner. If the pictures are yours and you don't want it used, please tell me so I can take it down.


I saw P'Tae wearing a tank top and shorts when I got out of the bathroom. He was sitting on the bed while leisurely scrolling on his phone.

I wiped my hair with a towel, wearing a bathrobe. I rummaged my bag and found my laptop, then I sat on the bed too. It was only then that he looked up.

"You'll get the bed wet, Nong." he said.

"Oh sorry P." Then I removed the bathrobe and threw it on the soiled clothes basket at the foot of the bed.

"Don't you have to wear a shirt?" he asked. I was just wearing boxers.

"Later." I said. Damn, this guy nags a lot. I opened my laptop and started transferring pictures from my phone while checking emails.

Oh I forgot to tell you. I'm still *studying. Not full time though. I can't handle the schedule.

So after transferring pictures, I started replying to my classmates' emails partly because they find it annoying that I can't be of any help to the group project again. I typed in a quick sorry once they saw that I am online, and they proceeded with sending me copies of my missed lessons, as well as reminders of what else should I do to complete the project.

I felt him lie on the bed as he covered himself with a blanket up to his stomach. Right, it's getting really cold since we also have the air conditioner on. I quickly put on my shirt.

I heard him laughing a few moments after. It sounds like he was having a video chat with someone.

"P'Tee!" that someone shouted.

I quickly looked around and saw that it was Bas.

"Oh Nong! Finished work?" I asked.

"Yeah, P. About to head home." And on either side of him, I can see Copter's and P'Kim's shoulders. It looks like they'rein a van. "Where are you guys?"

"We're at ChiangMai." P'Tae said. "What about you?"

"We're heading back to Bangkok. We've been to Pattaya. Next time, go there with us na." Bas said sweetly.

"Of course, Nong, if all our schedules are good." P'Tae said.

Copter and Kim both went into view and teased me because my eyes are red.

"What did P'Tae did with you huh, Ai'Tee?" P'Kim almost choked laughing. "Your hair is also dishevelled."

"Did we interrupt your sexy time?" Ai'Cop asked slyly.

You think I'll back out of this teasing game?

No way.

"Ah." I agreed. "He was a bit rough on me, I was SO GLAD you disturbed us." I said sarcastically. I heard all of them laugh and booed at us.

P'Tae probably isn't on joking mood, because he hissed at me and pretended to hit me.

"Don't hurt him na, P!" Bas said. "P'Tee likes it slow."

"Nong!" P'Tae warned him.

"Just joking P. We gotta hung up now. I only have less than 20% battery. Good night na, P'Tee, P'Tae."

"Good night Nong!" P'Tae said while I waved at all of them.

P'Janean walked in after a couple of seconds to check on us, maybe she heard we were a bit noisy.

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