Chapter 20

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The brick wall that served as a barricade to Atlas Caine’s home rose nearly ten feet high, veiled in a curtain of ivy. A black iron gate, that looked as though it had come straight out of a classic Hollywood horror film, opened upon our arrival. Just beyond the medieval entryway, a ginormous brooding mansion stood. I mean, warehouses weren’t even this big. A perfect example of that old saying, “everything’s bigger in Texas”, and Atlas’ home was surely no exception to that rule.

Despite appearing just as old and creepy as the front gate, the place still held a bit of charm. Kind of like the Amityville house—historically alluring on the outside, irrevocably evil on the inside. This place was teeming with all sorts of negative energy.

Halfway between the front gate and Atlas’ place, there was a small toll-like structure. Standing just outside of it was a tall, lanky man in his early thirties or so. He held up a thin hand with pale, boney fingers to indicate to Larson to stop. I had reminded Larson to buckle my seatbelt, so when he brought the Cadillac to a sudden stop I didn’t end up plowing my face into any front seats this time. His jerky style of driving told me Larson probably didn’t drive a lot. And why would he, when he had the magical gift of flight?

“State your business,” ordered the gaunt vampire security guard, after Larson had rolled down his window.

“I’m here to collect my reward for the precious piece of cargo I’ve got back there.” He gestured towards the backseat, where I pretended to cower pathetically.

The guard peered in through the open window measuring my appearance before returning his attention to Larson. “What’s your name?”

“Larson Knight.”

The gaunt vampire gave a disturbing grin. “An honor to meet you, Mr.Kinght.”

His aloof, eerie voice somehow managed to sound appraising of Larson’s ability to ensnare me. I already did not like this guy. He was slimy and creepy and the epitome of all things unholy in this world. I’d give just about anything to send a shiny silver stake through his heart a few times.

Lanky—my new designated nickname for the creep—caught a glimpse of the fiery hate I’d shot him with my eyes. “Feisty, isn’t she?” he commented. “Perhaps we could have some fun before I send for my boss—I’m sure he won’t mind.”

That doused out my fire like a cold bucket of water. I shrunk back against the seat, not needing to feign my fear this time. I did not want to know what this guy’s idea of fun was.

“If it’s all the same to you,” Larson said disinterestedly, “I’d like to collect my money and be off. I have prior arrangements.”

The tall, dark, and lanky one seemed disappointed by this, but did not press the issue further. Begrudgingly, he pulled a cell phone from his pants pocket and dialed a number, all the while staring at me with hungry, yellow eyes.

“Mr.Caine? I have someone here who wants to see you…it’s about the girl. Yes, she’s here—wants his reward. Yes, of course. We’ll be waiting…” A very ominous conversation if I’ve ever heard one.

“He’s on his way,” Lanky informed Larson upon hanging up.

Super. I could not wait to get this over with.

As I was mentally running through this evening’s plans, the front door to Atlas Caine’s estate flew open. A man, silhouetted by the porch light, came striding down the stairs, flanked by two vampires at each side. The moonlight illuminated their faces and I recognized one of the guards as Vigil. His coppery gaze shone out across the distance and seemed to reach mine; silently promising that he’d do his best to make sure all went as planned.

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