S I X T Y- S I X

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I walk in the airport with Kairi in my arms. We already had our bags ready to go. I have to find Keegan and bring her ass back home. I don't want her away from me. She pregnant.

"Dave, Dave East. Look over here"

"Dave your daughter is so pretty"

I smiled when they said that. I know my baby girls are pretty. They get it from me. I walk up to the Cadillac escalade telling the guard to put our bags in the back. He nod his head and put it in the trunk. I strap Kairi up in her seatbelt then hop in myself.

"Where to?"the man ask.

"The hotel first then Disney world"I said. I already knew where Keegan was gone be at. Milah posted a video of her and her boyfriend at Disney world. The baby shower today so I know that's where she gone be at.


"Daddy, I'm hungry"Kairi said said we was in the hotel room together. I was still looking on my phone. I went on Keegan post seeing her posing for the camera.

HustlerKee can't wait to visit my best friends 😄😄 shout out to @Versace for sending me this outfit😍😍😍 love it❤❤❤

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HustlerKee can't wait to visit my best friends 😄😄 shout out to @Versace for sending me this outfit😍😍😍 love it❤❤❤

809k Votes 1.7 million Comments

Username1 she don't look pregnant😒 probably lying to get some clout 😭😭😭

Username2 yassssssss keee 😍😍😍 I can see yo belly growing

PapiFromTheHood baby I miss you❤❤❤ Come to Compton so I can see you😍😍😍

DaveEast @PapiFromTheHood my woman ain't going see you nigga. Done lost your mind

PapiFromTheHood @DaveEast why you mad bro?😂😂😂😭😭 I know why you mad cause she bout to come to my house and give me all the love while yo sad ass in New York making that wack ass music😂😂😂😂😂😂

HustlerKee @PapiFromTheHood nigga I don't even know you😟. Judging by your profile pic. You not even from the hood😂😂😂

PapiFromTheHood @HustlerKee girlllll don't act like you don't know me😒😒😒 you know who the fuck I am

DaveEast @PapiFromTheHood nobody don't know you😂😂😂😂

MilahTheGoddess @HustlerKee you better be at my damn baby shower😈😈😈😈

Comments came in like every fucking second. It was getting on my nerves so I turn it off. But I want to know who the hell is PapiFromTheHood. He seem like he knows Keegan.

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