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Trees shoke against a cold wind, their trunks thundering and cracking as if thunderstorms were bubbling within them. Robinpaw ran, panting rapidly as his wet paws thudded against the slick forest floor. The sky poured out melancholily, as if getting over an extremely dramatic heartbreak. It seemed as if rocks kept appearing beneath his paws, and robinpaw kept sliding into the mud, his brown pelt now a shade darker. Suddenly he skid down into the ground once again, where a sharp outcropped stone struck him in the head.

A few sunups later, a hunting patrol passed by the place where he was struck, gaping soundlessly in pure horror as they saw his body, impaled by the stone. Ambershine, his mother who was also a part of the patrol, sat down next to her son, wrapping her tail around him. Her body rose up and down unevenly, like a monster waking up from a long nap. She looked up at her clan mates, eyes wet, red from grief, and meowed quietly, "No wonder my little one never became a warrior." She held back a sob, "He died on his way to his ceremony." Cats meowed sympathetically, eyes round and full of sorrow, their tails stroking Ambershine's russet back softly. They quickly carried him back to camp, through thunderclan's woods, where robinpaw was last seen. Alive.

"Welcome, young one." Robinpaw slowly opened his eyes, rising up to no pain. A young, star-studded cat stood in front of him, her fur as white as a doves. "I am Halfmoon, one of the oldest cats living in StarClan." She shook her head sadly. "It was a shame you died so early, young one." His eyes flashed, as if the memories came back to him. He shuddered at the thought, yet brought himself to a stand. Robinpaw looked down at his paws, shuffling them.
"I was on my way to my warriors ceremony, coming back from the moonpool." His tail lowered. "I guess I'll never truly have a warrior name."
Halfmoon looked down at him, the side of her mouth twitching into a sly grin. Robinpaw looked up, his fur slightly ruffled. "What?" she laughed to herself.
"You may still be known as Robinpaw to your kin down below, yet up here in StarClan we have a different system." Robinpaw lifted up an eyebrow, confusion swamping his face. "Cats in StarClan come together to pick the perfect warrior name for you. We call it Name The Apprentice. It can be pretty fun."

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