Chapter 2

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~Next morning~

I woke up and dragged my feet to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and had a black eye. There was bruises all over my stomach, and cuts from other beatings. Guess I have to lie to my mum again. Today was the last day of school. I'm gonna try to get out of Mikayla's way today so I don't have to be beaten by her when it's the last time I'm ever gonna see her. I got ready for school and went downstairs. I went straight to the kitchen.

"Hey hon- Niall where did you get that black eye?" my mum asked.

"I-I walked into a pole"

"Niall, you are not that dumb to just randomly walk into a pole. What happened."

"I got pushed into a pole on accident."

She sighed.

"ok just be more careful."

I nodded and ate my breakfast. I ran outside waiting for Noah to pick me up. 

~after school~

The bell rung and I ran to find Noah. I finally spotted Noah after running through the halls for 5 minutes. 

"Noah c'mon lets get into your car so I don't see her." 

He nodded and we ran into the parking lot. We jumped into his convertible that his dad let him borrow today. We turned on the radio and turned the volume all the way. 

"Ok so where are we going." I asked.

"Let's just go to the park."


"Cuz it's relaxing there"


We got to the park and started walking around the park.

"So when was the last time that you cut?" Noah asked.


"I'm just curious"

"A couple days ago."

"When did you start?"

"A month after the bullying started."

"Which was?"

"When the 2nd month of this school year started"

"Do you go deep or just enough so it starts bleeding?"

"Are you my therapist or something? What's up with all these questions?"

"Niall, you are cutting. Doesn't it worry you?"

"Not that much."

"So deep or just enough for it to bleed?"


"Have you ever thought of suicide?"

"u-uumm yea" I stuttered. Noah stopped walking and looked at me. I stopped too.

"What?" I asked.

"You are in deep shit bro. You need help."

"No I don't. Just forget about it and it was only once anyways." He just looked down and started walking and I did too.

"Who knows?"

"Just you."

"Haven't you thought about going to therapy?"



"It's a waste of time. I don't need therapy"

"What if you went to deep Niall? What if you lost too much blood and you died? Leaving your mum devastated."

"Look. I want to stop, but do you know how hard it is? It's like smoking, once you do it you want to do it again."

"I'm gonna make you stop."

"And how are you gonna do that?"

"I'm gonna be with you 24/7."

"What if I'm in the shower and I cut in there?"

"Oh don't worry about that, because I'm going in there with you."

"Eeww, no, that's gross. no."

"Fine, I'm gonna count all the scars that you have, and if I see anymore... I'm going into the shower with you."

"Fine deal."

"ok, so now this Mikayla thing."

"Here we go again" I rolled my eyes.

"I don't think you are ever gonna see her again. Never."

"I know."

"Then move on. We are going to a new school."

"Yea full of guys. I'm not gay idiot"

"Well I am.."


"I'm joking"


"But if I was gay, would you still hang out with me?"

"yea, but I would make sure you don't touch me."

"ok, let's go back. I'm hungry."

"Yea me too. Nandos?"


We got back into the car and went through a Nandos drive-thru.

As we were driving home from Nandos So Sick came up and I started singing to it. Then the music stopped but I kept singing. When I ended the song Noah looked at me.

"What? Keep your eyes on the road!"

"You have to go on X Factor man. You're great."

"No I'm not, I'm terrible at singing."

"NO you aren't I guarantee that you are gonna make it big some how."

"Sure whatever"

"Just audition at least. They are holding auditions tomorrow. If you don't make it, I'll give you 200 pounds."

"you don't have that much!"

"There's a thing called a bank. I have a bank account. I've been saving money for college. So go to the audition."

"Fine then"

" And I'm going with you so you don't bail out."

I just rolled my eyes.

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