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Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you picked a different path? If choose to go to the movies with your mom then with your best friend?

I never understood the whole two different destinations thing until I reached Poetry with Mr. Galeon. He said 'Poetry is nothing different from the words we speak daily, it just interprets which way we see it and use it.'

And honestly? Those words had never left my mind since. I know it doesn't connect but it lead me to that thought.

In poetry, you pick one theme to reflect. Even though a poem might have multiple themes. You pick only one to focus. Well, what if I focused more on death than love in my poem The Wind? I would feel very differently about it than I do now.

The decisions we make affect our lives forever and it's quite scary honestly. What if I wake up later in life and have to make a huge decision on how to protect my children. In one direction, the kids are safe. In the other, they could possibly be dead. Lord forgive me.

I believe that's why people let fear ruin their lives. They are too afraid of what is on the other side of their decisions to have fun and live.

I mean I can't blame them the world is a scary place but you only have one life. Live it.

I snap out of my thoughts when I see fingers snapping in front of my face. I come back to reality and see Mrs. Jennings staring at me concerned.

"You okay dear? Class ended five minutes ago." She tells me smiling lightly. I nod and stand up quickly and apologize for what happened then quickly make my way to lunch.

The school is serving hamburgers and my favorite thing on earth is hamburgers. Especially from school.

I throw my bags down at my table then grab one of my friends hands and pull them to the lunch line with me. I laugh quietly when I hear his groan "Sab! Slow down. You are gonna rip my arm off me."

I couldn't help but laugh more as I got my food. I walk back to the table with Justin who then ditches me to go talk to his other friends while I sit down with Kourtney and Ron.

They both shake their heads looking past me. I look back to see Justin talking with Kyle Smith. King of the school. Well not really. A lot of people just look up to him.

I understand why they are shaking their heads. Although Kyle is well respected, doesn't mean he is ultimately nice. You just have to be on his good side. Kourtney, Ron and I believe that Kyle is a poor choice of friend. If you screw up, it will be the end.

Okay, I'm totally over exaggerating but still. This is exactly what I was talking about. Making decisions can lead you two separate ways. One good one bad.

As I'm devouring my burger, Justin decides to come back and is confused as to why we are staring at him. It's all over his face.

"So what were you talking about?" I asked raising an eyebrow. Justin just chuckles at my question.

"I was asking him football stuff. Is that okay with you noisy people?" Justin asks and throws a french fry at me. I laugh and catch it in my mouth.

Justin was new five years ago and joined the football team his last year of high school for some idiotic reason. Which earned him a pluck on the head from me.

"Yeah yeah, it's fine... You just know how we feel about him." Ron says putting an arm behind Kourtney. Did I mention they were dating?

I finish my food then we start talking about aimless stuff until I leave during the second half of lunch. Yes, I eat fast.

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