· i dont regret anything ·

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Hermione stirred, wondering where she was. Big, strong arms were holding her tightly, and she didn't know whom they belong to. Then all the things that happened last night came back to her. She had sex with her best friend. She had done it with Harry.

She turned, face to face with bright green orbs. They were vibrant, the way they were before the wizarding world for him. Before he knew he had to kill, or be killed. Those innocent green eyes made her want to melt, just wanted to make her kiss Harry a go for a second round. She was taking her time admiring Harry's face, appreciating the world for just a moment, to make this young man her best friend.

"H-Harry," She whispered. "D-do y-you...regret sleeping with me?"

He chuckled, and whispered in her ear, " I don't regret anything."

Hermione relaxed, knowing they both felt the same way, but then her thoughts were back on Ron. Did she regret what she did to him? No, he was treating me like a piece of furniture, good for nothing but lying around. He could find an other whore, because I'm not returning to him. I shouldn't focus on him, I should focus on what I have in front of me, Hermione thought.

She sat up, the cover falling off of her chest, revealing her breasts. "Harry, you do to much. As of yesterday, you told me that your really busy at your job so I would like to reward your hard work with a big breakfast, made by me, who took culinary lessons."

It was true. In her spare time, she took culinary lessons from a top class.

Harry smiled, he was truly blessed to have such a beautiful woman in front of him. He leaned in and kissed Hermione sweetly, the answer filled in within that kiss.

"I would love that, 'Mione." Harry said, getting up and put his underwear on, and handed Hermione a shirt which she put on and grabbed her knickers, and put them on. Both of them headed towards the bathroom, and Harry handed Hermione her toothbrush that she used her she came over to spend the night.


As Hermione sat next to Harry, she brought two cups of tea and cast Wingardium Leviosa on the breakfast she had made, and it levitated to the table. She noticed that Harry's eyes were glossed over.

"Harry?" Hermione said softly. She didn't want to be over dramatic, but she put her hand in front of his face, and waved her hand. He seemed to be released from his trance, and she asked, "What's on your mind, Harry?"

He took a deep breath, and said, " What are we, Hermione? After last night, I don't think we can just call ourselves friends anymore. We know were something more than that."

She sighed, she knew this conversation was supposed to come sooner or later.

" I don't know Harry," She responded honestly. "What do you want us to be?"

Harry blushed. He knew what he wanted to do, ever since the night he saw her in the hospital bed, paralyzed. He wanted to marry her, have kids with her, and many other things he would be able to do with her. But everything started at it's own pace.

"I-i want us to.. um date.." He said. " B-but it's okay if you don't want to! I know you just go out of your relationship with Ron, so no need to rush! It's ok if you don't want to, honestly."

Hermione giggled. "I do want to date you, Harry. I'm sure of it."

Harry suddenly stopped rambling when he heard those words. He was shocked, and happy at the same time. He leaned over and kissed her on the lips tenderly.

He said,

"Thank you for making my wishes come true."

He didn't know that third was on it's way.


Yay, they got together! Well the next chapter should be up soon, and Im announcing my new fanfic that's coming out! It's called Finding Him!
Hope your excited!


« WARNING » smut/lemon and strong language.

‹ word count › 693 words

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