Chapter 1

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                                      I jumped over the fallen logs and quickly slid under a few fallen trees. I slowed to a stop and silently rolled into a few bushes. I held my breath and closed my eyes. I took in a silent breath before erasing my presence.

                                  The three men ran by me without a second thought. They all yelled for the thief, me, to come back.

          I had indeed stolen from them, but every human needs food to survive, so I didn't really see the problem. I didn't eat the food that fancy merchants made often as I typically lived off the land, but I couldn't help my temptations earlier that day.

        After waiting for a few minutes, I snuck out from where I was. I silently crept through the forest in the opposite direction that the merchants were traveling. I soon happened upon a gate and walked in as inconspicuously as possible. I nearly released a noise of shock after seeing two men leap at the nearby shelter.
Since I was going to have no trouble entering the village, I just walked around like I lived here my entire life. I was good fitting in places where I didn't belong. It was a trait I picked up early in my life.

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