errormare-what is this feeling?

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So this chapter was made by my younger sister cuz she absolutely loves errormare and I asked her to write it cuz I had no idea what to do soooo yeah, enjoy

Errors POV:

I was just doing nothing but sitting down on a rock looking at the stars in outertale, I wish I had stars in my place but mine is just.....empty -sighs- oh well at least I can explore to Au's even tho they are shi*, well maybe not all of them, Outertale is still my favorite to visit tho.....then I saw nightmare on a different rock. My face heats up and I cover it with my scarf..... "Wait why did I blush!?!?!" I say to myself, good thing he didnt look at me when I blushed but the real question I have for myself is......WHY DID I BLUSH!!!

Nightmares POV:

I was so stressed about the other guys that I got up and left to outertale so I can relax. I looked around the place and saw error, I guess he was relaxing too but was he cold? He had his scarf over his mouth. Well I guess so it does get cold now and then in this universe. I teleported to error and said "hi hehe" he jumped "DONT DO THAT AGAIN!!!" he said "OK, OK hehehe that was funny tho" "ugh no it wasn't" he looked like an angry cat "cute" well shi* I'm dead well thats what I though for a bit but error blushed a bit more when I said that and covered his whole face. "So uhh" he just ignored me but for some reason I did not mind eh maybe because how cute he is.

Errors POV:

I can't believe he called me c-c-cute! I was just a blushing mess now and I cant help but look at nightmare and he was laughing at me and now I was just rebooting

Reboot 1%

Reboot 30%

Rebooing more 60%

Rebooting 99%

ding!! (Oof)

Huh? What happened?! I look around and then I see nightmare staring at me with a smile and I backed away then I opened a portal to the void and said "y-you saw n-nothing!" And I left...

Nightmares pov:

Error left when I was just having fun with him but it makes sense he was embarrassed wait....WHAT IS HAPPENING!?!? you are supposed to be the negative person!!! Why just why!! Do I like him!?!? Ugh I need a drink. I made a portal to my castle kitchen and made myself a drink the those Lil shi*s are running around again. Why can't they be QUIET!!! I got my tentacles out and I yelled "you little f**ks stop screaming!!" And I threw them into a room that had no blankets, beds, pillows, not even a soft floor, and they can't use magic in there. "Hehehe I hope you will be comfy in there" I made a smile at them "bye bye~" I close the door shut. Finally some silence, it feels nice. I look at the time and I go to my room and played on my bed and went to sleep with no trouble.... I woke up the next morning to something on my head, it was a box and I can tell who it is by the handwriting. Error gave me this "hm? Why would error give me something?" I said to myself as i opened it to see a mini error plushie, his nitting skills are more than good, its FANTASTIC!! I cleared my throat and put the plush in my bed, tucking it in like it was error that I was tucking in.....

(THE END!!!)

[Nah jk]

3rd POV:

Nightmare and error were thinking on what just happened in outertale, they never felt like this before so of course it was a new thing but they don't know what it is called and when they went on missions with each other they just can't stop looking at each other but they still destroy and make sadness in the Au's somehow. They still think and ask the same thing

"What is this feeling?"

~[The End]~

Ooooooof well this is done and I could really thank my Lil sis for saving mah life qwq. So yeah my sister and I have different ships for nightmare like I ship crossmare (best ship ever uwu) sis: [( lol opinions are fun XD )] and my sis ships errormare, you might think that we fight a lot but we are actually just cool with everything, we support each others opinions and it also helps with bonding uwu
Anyway see you all children cuz its 2:14 am for me so I'm tired qwq love you all my children!!

-mama author

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