Jenna's POV
The next day i woke up on a couch. Wow how comfy (sarcasm). Anyways i was happy it was Saturday. I walked into the kitchen to get some breakfast when i see a stressed out Harry walking back and forth in the kitchen, murmuring something to himself.
"Hey are u okay?" i asked worried abt my dear harreh.
"Dude i totally forgot...shit shit shit shit" he answered. Forgot about what?
"About what?"
"It's Taylor's birthday" was all he answered.
"whoever this taylor guy is-"
"It's a girl"
"Whatever. Anywho can't u just give a call?"
"No u don't understand"
"Please explain"
"Taylor is my girlfriend" ohhhh....woah woah woah did he just say GIRFRIEND?! HOLY MOTHER OF THE OREO GOD I NEED TO GO ON TWITTER MORE.
"And....u can't just give her a call?"
"ARE U CRAZY?! I'm lucky she's not awake right now! She's gonna kill me! I gotta go pack and get on the next plane to New York."
"But u promised to help me with my bridge project that is gonna take FOREVER"
"I know and I'm sorry but management is gonna kill me if I'm not there for her birthday"
"UGHH fine"
"Thank you so much! i owe u!" he said as he kissed my cheek.
"yeah yeah. Just go hurry up and pack. I'll call a cab"
And with that he left upstairs to pack. Ugh I hate this Taylor girl. First she interuppts me and my Oreo time during the movie, Then she takes away a day of my fucked up life to work on a stupid project. Why did she have to be born on this day?! Better call that cab i guess.
"Harreh the cab is here ur majesty!" I yell from the bottom of the stairs.
"Coming!!" Then I see him come downstairs with 3 huge lugages. DAYUMM. I barely have any clothes and he has 3 huge lugages.
"Thanks again! I'll visit soon I promise! LOVE U!!"
"No problem! LOVE U TOO HAROLD!"
Then he got in the cab and left. He never came back. Until 2 years later.........
Ello my loves! Sorry for that long cliffhanger :( but i just remembered I had this story and that I needed to update yeah. I'll update soon! LOVE YA!