The Workout Plan

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Key: Y/N - your name
         C/N - crush name
         M-pv - male P.O.V 🚹

You woke up to my phone vibrating. You felt around blindly until you reached your phone. Your heart began to rush when you read C/N 's name. You pick up the phone.

You: hello C/N

C/N: hey Y/N good morning. I didn't wake you did I

You: kinda, but it's not a problem. I was about to get out of bed anyways. *liar*

C/N:  alright. Are you ready ?

You: what now ?

C/N: you forgot didn't you? You asked me to help you workout for the summer.

You: oh yeah it can we start that in three hours.

C/N: y/n. I'll be there in 15 minutes. Make sure you have water with you okay? 

You: alright.

I hung up the phone and pressed it against my chest. You forgot you asked C/N to help you workout as an excuse to hang out with him. You got out of bed and went to the bathroom and brushed your teeth excitedly. And went to your dresser and picked out your best basketball shorts and a black tank top.  I grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge. Suddenly C/N was knocking at your front door.  You take a deep breathe and answer the door. He looked so cute with his hair slightly bed heading still. "Raise and shine" he said smiling. You begin to blush and let out a nervous chuckle. You closed the door and ask "say C/N? What's the route we're going ? And how long were going ?" C/n pulled out his phone and said "we're going to the dog park. So it's roughly a mile and half. Ready ?" I nodded my head.

You and C/N began to run your route. Within ten minutes you were beginning to crap out.  I stopped running and sat down on the curb. Y/N ! C/N yelled. He startled you and went back to run but tripped. You placed your hand immediately on your knee. C/n called your name with great concern and ran to you. You couldn't match his eyes out of pure embarrassment of falling in front of your crush. He kneeled down. "You okay Y/n?" You began to blush and looked away from him. He put a gentle smile "move your hand. Let me see the damage." You did as you were ask and saw blood on your palm. "You scraped your knee. This is going to sting but we're going to have to clean it." C/n said.  He twisted his bottle and gently poured the cold water over your wound. "You okay? Does it sting." Your we're speechless staring into his bright concerning eyes. C/n you call his name.  He looked at you relived "yes y/n. I thought you went into to shock. You were responding. You scared me...I'm but I'm really relived your okay." I nodded my head at him. You found that both of you was staring at each other.  You suddenly felt the blood running down your leg. You shriek and called C/N. He jumped back a bit and said "dammit y/n. You don't stop bleeding. We're going to to need something to stop the bleeding. "  suddenly he took off his shirt. Your body begins to get hot and face started blushing as you took in the image of his pale chiseled body.  C/n tied the shirt around your knee tight. 
C/n stood up and extended his hand.  You grabbed his hand and allowed him to help you up.  "We'll take it slow to the park. We can walk there." C/n said. We walked the rest of the route to the dog park. Surprising it was empty. We found shade underneath a tree. You sit down and lean against the tree. "Finally made it y/n." C/n said. While he lied his head down on your lap. You begin to blush, his hair was staring to tickle you but you didn't let C/n notice because you didn't want him to move. You look down at him wanting to touch his soft hair. C/n opened his eyes and reached for your headphones and asked. "What you listening too?" He grabbed one of the ear buds. C/n sat up and said "I freaking love this song." He laughed. Making you laugh.
You tapped his hand by accident and pulled away. He gave you a strange looks then grinned and held on to your hand. "Y/n it's okay. You can hold my hand if want because I really wanted to hold yours." Your heart was racing so many emotions running through your mind. Does he like me back. I stood back and called his name. He held back on my hand and said "y/n I really like you and to be honest I took the first opportunity to hang out with you. Can I be your boyfriend. We know each other for a while." You couldn't tell if you was dreaming or not. You was speechless. C/n let go of your hand and said "I'm sorry..I was way out of pocket." You finally got the courage to speak up and said "no ! You wasn't and yes you can be my boyfriend c/n.

He held back on to my hand and smiled and said "really you sure ?" You nodded your head yes.

End of part. I know pretty short but these are one shots.
If you got any suggestions for a theme for the next part let me know.
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