Chapter 1. My Old Life

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A/N: Hey, this is a disclaimer for people who do not like abuse, there is abuse... In this chapter... Just so you know, all of this is fiction, I'm making it all up... Yup, same with all of the names, I made the names up!! Okay, enough of that, I hope you like this story!!

My name is Ryuki Hattiomi. I am 12 years old, yes, you read that correct, I am 12 years old and I live with very abusive parents.

All my life, I have only known what pain felt like. Pain and sadness.

There was once time, when I felt happiness. Though, it was only a very, very brief moment. When it was only my mother and I.

Until... He came back.

One night, my father, or as I call him, the incarnation of Satan, came home and persuaded my mother to take him back.

He was a drunk, and a gambler.

He always stole money from my mother, disappeared, came back, abuse me, physically and verbally, then do it all over again.

My mother was no longer happy, instead, she turned cold and selfish, she couldn't trust anyone anymore. So, she started drinking and abusing me too.

I'd have to put up with the abuse every day, every night, and I still don't report it to the authorities.

Why? My mother, the one who raised me, was suffering more than I from that evil bastard.

They both abused me till I coughed up blood, and my skin turned purple. And I endured it. For her.

I was always in my room, crying while listening to them arguing all night. I always wonder, what could I do to save her? I bury myself in forgotten memories, memories of happiness.

But, I realized, those people I once considered friends, have all died, inside, and same goes for mother. I can never escape this horrible fate that God has spread out for me.

The only time I thought I would get a break from the abuse, is when I am in school. But, I thought wrong. I get bullied, consistently for my cakey appearance, and a supposed ugly face and voice.

My only true escape from this world is anime, manga and games.

But I live, I live for that one day that I beat the Ice Prince's route! And also maybe the day I am free to do whatever I want, free from all of the pain and sorrow that is now in my life.

One day, I was on my way down stairs to go to school, and I finally finished all the routes, the secret Ice Prince was the last and hardest route.

I saw my mother and the incarnation of Satan, drunk and arguing. They're at it again, I thought, I noticed that they were more violent than usual.

They were thrashing the whole house, breaking glasses and most furniture. I saw my necklace in his hand, the necklace that my first true friend gave me, so I ran and grabbed it from his grasp.

He was pissed, and took the nearest thing to him.

"Good for nothing brat!" He shouted those words at me as he took a swing.

Unfortunately, the nearest thing to him, was a broken beer bottle, and then he stabbed the side of my head with the sharp broken glasses. Blood gushed out of the wound as I fell to the floor.

Paralized in pain on the floor was the way I would spend the last of my pathetic life.

Finally, goodbye cruel world! were my last thoughts.

A/N:Hey! I hope you liked the story! I think all my story's start with a sad chapter... Oh well! I hope you liked reading, see you next chapter!

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