Thinking about Him

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(Name) was thinking about America, his weird behaviour during the World Meeting. He was acting strange, quite strange indeed. He wasn't his usual self, he was different. Like a ghost who had posessed a human being.

"(Name)!" Her big brother/sister shouted from the kitchen. "Lunch time!"

"Coming! ...soon in cinemas near you!" (Name) cooed as she walked out from the library. "Ha ha. Very funny, (Name)" He/She chuckled.


After lunch, (Name) went back to the library to study more about different kinds of pollution since the Earth is surrounded by them.

As she study, she couldn't stop thinking about America. Why is he acting weird? What did he say to you from the previous World Meeting? What is he trying to do?

(Name) brushed away all the questions that were filling her head. Hmm, ever since I talked to Canada. America acted different around me, she thought. Maybe thats why... Then again, maybe not. America wouldn't do bad things to Canada, right? Canada is his brother, they are family. And family don't do bad stuff to their family members, they stick together no matter what.

Wow, I never thought I say this but. I think I could-

Her thoughts were disturbed when her big brother/sister, (A/C)*. He/She peeked between the library wooden doors. "(Name)?" He/She called.

"Yes, big brother/sister? What is it?" (Name) said as she observed her big brother/sister who was giving (Name) a pleading look. (Name) sighed. "I can tell that you are gonna drag me away from my studies... Again." She groaned.

"Is that a yes I heard?" taunted (A/C) or should I say, (Brother/Sister Name).

(Name) couldn't say no to her big brother/sister pleading face. When he/she wanted to go out-and drag you along the way-to get some fresh air and their country's food and snacks. His/Her main purpose is to let you get out from the library and let yourself love Mother Nature and her creations.

"Yes, since I can't say no to you when you had that look on your face." (Name) mumbled.

Her big brother/sister made a hurtful look. "Oh, look at that. I've been impaled... by your words" He/She joked as you grabbed your things and followed him/her.

。・°°・(Another TimeSkip brought to you by, Tony)・°°・。

At the cafe, you stared at your beverage for a few minutes. Not knowing what to do, to cheer America up. To see his cheerful personality that you loved for the couple of years, to hear his voice, to hear his obnoxious laughter, to his smiling face whenever he talk about making a hero or being the hero.

(Brother/Sister name) had observed your face since both of you had settle down at the cafe. He/She wondered what happen to your talk about your studies, the glimmer in your eyes were gone. They were replaced by sadness.

Knowing you and your personality, your big brother/sister had known you for centuries after made an alliance with each other. Well, the boss made the alliance to make both of you as allies and have good resources to keep your countries growing. Even surviving the war that was caused by the Allies and Axis which resulted that the Allies had won and thus, countries began to make peace with each other.

"You look sad." He/She spoke, trying to make a conversation with you.

You looked up, facing your big brother/sister who had a worried look on his/her face. "Really?" You muttured.

"I heard that, don't think that we known each other for a couple of years as siblings. I known you, (Name). Something is bothering you, I can tell." He/She pointed out. You nodded your head. "Care to share?"

"Well, its America." You looked at your (fav drink), lowering your voice but he/she heard it.

"What's your problem with him? Did he do something wrong? Did he sparked a war between us?" He/She hissed. "I swear if that little twerp disturb my little sister, I'm gonna beat him up so bad that he couldn't walk."

"Calm down (Brother/Sister name)! Your overreacting.... again." You continued.

"A-ah, sorry about that. Its just that I've gone overboard." He/She chuckled. You giggled. "Anyways, continue."

You take a deep breath before explaining the whole thing even his behaviour. Your big brother/sister watched you as you explain. "I see..." He/She whispered.

"Its just that after I made an alliance with Canada, he just became less happy, less cheerful. I missed the sound of his cheerful voice that always cheer me up whenever I feel down." You smiled.

"Hmm... So that means.... that you..." He/She gave a big sigh,"...that you loved him."

You face became as red as Spain's tomato. "Wh-wh-wh-what?!!! N-no! I-it just..." You trailed off, fumbling with your words. (Brother/Sister name) laughed.

"Hey!" You pouted. "Its not funny! T-that I-I... l-l-l-l-lo-lo-lo-lo-lov-lov-lov-love... h-him."

He/She wiped a tear. "I'm... sorry... Your face is telling the truth while you are lying."

Your face became a thousand shades of red.

What? No, no I don't! We're both best friends! (Brother/Sister name) is just messing with me. Yeah, just joking around, You thought as drink your (Fav drink).

"Why don't you confess?" He/She grinned devilishly. You choke on your drink. "What?" You made a face.

"You know, girl confess to boy, boy will accept her feelings, they go out and you know the rest." He/She explained. You growled.

He/She put his/her hand up in the air, surrend to you. "Okay, okay. Take your time."

"Hmph!" With that you continue to finish your drink, leaving your big brother/sister smirking.

~End of Chapter 2~

(A/C) means Allied country. It can be your OC or the country that you want.

Why is your brother/sister smirking? Who knows? Find out more in future chapters!


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