Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Yep, I was right. Nothing has changed since I left. As I stepped into the house, I surveyed the living room that stayed exactly the same. The brown, leather couch still had that stain on the left side of the arm rest that Nate and I made when we were little kids. I still remember that day like it was yesterday. 

We were both sprawled lazily on the couch on a warm day surfing the channel being the lazy kids that we were. Nate had the remote, as always. I remember having a frown on my face because my brother wouldn't give me the remote so I could watch the newest episode of Drake & Josh, my favorite show when I was little. I was sipping my cranberry juice watching my brother flipping through the channels and then finally settling down on watching Fear Factor. For a ten year old, he had a pretty strong stomach. I, on the other hand, get squeamish at just the sight of blood. 

"Nate! Change the channel!" I shrieked at him catching a glimpse of what was happening on the screen. All I saw was red and I had a strong guess on what it was.

He laughed at me. "No!" I hated when he acted like this. Like he was older than me. 

I was furious at him. I remember my face heating up and then lunging for him trying to snatch the remote out of his clammy hands. My brain was reeling on ways I could get him back. The only thing that didn't cross my mind, however, was the juice in my hand. Next thing you know, it went flying over my mom's favorite sofa's armrest and spilling out onto the white, fluffy carpet. 

I clearly remember gasping with a horrified expression on my face at the commotion I just caused. "See what you made me do?" These were my famous words to my brother. Always blaming him for the troubles I've done.

I was pulled back into the present from hearing the door open and close. I had a nostalgic smile on my face when I turned around to see my brother lifting my suitcases as to not scratch the glossy hardwood floor. After the juice incident, my parents decided to change the carpeting to hardwood. My mom never did replace the sofa though. Nate and I didn't know why. Maybe because it had a sentimental value to her? Eh, who knows.

"Have you seen Mom yet?" He asked me setting down my luggage.

I shook my head. "I called out to her when I stepped in but didn't hear a reply."

"Well, come on. She must be in the kitchen and didn't hear you."

I let him lead the way to the kitchen with me trudging behind slowly looking around the house. We passed through a hallway that had two doors on each side of the wall. One led to the half bathroom and the other was a spare room that was used as an office. Growing up with parents who were both in the business world, they were locked in this office a lot. They never neglected Nate and I though. My parents made sure they gave us the right amount of attention. They knew how to balance their job and family perfectly and at the end of the day, everyone was happy and content. 

The end of the hallway led out into a clean, pristine kitchen. My eyes roamed the room. Spices were lined across the shelf, the refrigerator humming, and the warmth of the oven being released as my mom went to go and open it. Her back was turned to us and she was humming a tune I didn't recognize. She still had no idea we were right behind her. 

"Hi Mom," I said softly knowing she'd be able to hear me.

My mom, Rosalyn, turned around with a look of confusion that was instantly replaced by happiness and surprise. "My dear Charlotte! You're back!"

I smiled and stepped into her open arms squeezing her tiny frame. "I missed you Mom." I was delighted to be able to hold my mom again. I took in her familiar scent as we swayed back and forth from the hug. She had put on her favorite perfume that had a minty smell with a hint of vanilla to it. I leaned back to inspect my mother whom I haven't since in months. She looks so much older than she really is due to her working a lot. Mom's gray hair was starting to show more and she has wrinkles around the corners of her mouth and eyes.

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