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Hey guys this is my first ever colby brock story. There might be more to come, but while i have this, enjoy. And also the girl in he photo is what Alyx looks like.😁

Alyx's p.o.v.

I was heading home from work, when i saw sam get out of his car, what a coincidence.

"Hey Sam."


Sam and i walked up to the door together, opened it, and walked inside. I spotted Corey, and asked if he had seen Colby.

"Hey Corey. Have you seen Colby?"

"No I haven't, but i think he's in his room."

"Oh ok."

I walked upstairs and headed to Colby's room once I was infront of it I saw sam standing there I walked in and looked at what Sam was looking at.

I immediately regretted coming in. I looked straight into Colby's eyes, and felt mine start to water. I shook my head and left the room.

"(Y/N)!!!" Colby kept yelling my name. I never turned around, until I got to my car.

" Why?"


"WHY!? I told you what happened and you said you would never do something like that to me."

"It's just a prank."

"I don't care. It still hurt me colby."

"I'm so so sorry. I didn't want to prank you I wanted to prank sam."

"I hate you so much right now colby." I whispered looking down.

He came and hugged me, while whispering in my ear.

"I'm so sorry. I promise I won't do that anymore, well not to you anyway."

I giggled. I looked up into Colby's beautiful blue eyes.

"Ok...... but I still hate you."


"What?" I smiled.

"Nothing." He mumbled, and kissed me.

"Wanna help me with my next prank."


Next week is going to be fun.

Sorry the chapter is so short. I'm a really bad writer so the chapters will be short. But I'll try to make them longer.

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